The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Gov. Tom Wolf lost credibilit­y when he joined protest march

- Lowman Henry

On Aug. 7, 1974, Pennsylvan­ia’s senior U.S. Sen. Hugh Scott along with Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona and John Rhodes, then the House of Representa­tives Minority Leader, sat down in the Oval Office and informed President Richard M. Nixon that his support in congress had collapsed and that if he did not resign he would be impeached.

Nixon resigned the presidency the next day.

It is rare that there is a specific day and place which can be pointed to as the end of an elected official’s relevancy. Gov. Tom Wolf had his Richard Nixon moment on Wednesday, June 3, when he took what he described as a “real gamble” and walked with protesters through the streets of Harrisburg.

The “real gamble” had nothing to do with the governor taking his chances of getting COVID-19, rather the “real gamble” was with what left of his credibilit­y — it is a gamble he lost.

For months, Gov. Wolf and his embattled Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine has been lecturing, hectoring, even punishing Pennsylvan­ians demanding “social distancing” and forcing the closure of schools, churches and businesses. They devised a red, yellow, green system to define the extent of their shut-down “orders,” to stem the spread of the coronaviru­s.

When a Cumberland County barber and a York County diner decided they had enough of his business closure “order” and decided to re-open, Wolf dispatched his deep state bureaucrat­s to suspend their licenses and issue fines.

When the state Legislatur­e expressed the will of the people by repeatedly passing bills designed to re-open various segments of the state’s economy, Wolf obliterate­d what few checks & balances remain by vetoing each bill. The governor made it plain that only he and his health secretary would decide what would open and when.

When citizens from throughout the commonweal­th rallied on the steps of the state capitol demanding the governor re-open businesses and put Pennsylvan­ians back to work Wolf and Levine used their hand sanitizer, took to their isolated podium and told them it was unsafe to protest.

Heck, it wasn’t even safe to get a haircut without being lectured by the governor — something Steeler quarterbac­k Ben Rothlisber­ger learned the hard way.

It was clear — Tom Wolf would simply not tolerate anyone defying what was best for the people of Pennsylvan­ia. Break the rules and you would be in for a tongue lashing or worse. The governor believed he held the high ground.

If he ever did hold the high ground he lost it on that sunny June afternoon.

He lost it when he climbed out of his state police guarded SUV — not the old Jeep used for political imaging purposes — but a state police guarded SUV to participat­e in a protest. The governor who said protests were unsafe, marched in a protest. The governor, who told us to social distance, did not social distance. The governor who told us more than 25 people could not gather together, joined a crowd of hundreds.

The governor broke all of the rules.

He said he took a gamble because the cause was important to him and he was willing to take that gamble. For many Pennsylvan­ians opening their business is important to them — and are willing to take that gamble. Many Pennsylvan­ians would like to go eat at a restaurant — and are willing to take that gamble. Many Pennsylvan­ians would like to (safely) get on with their lives and are willing to take that gamble.

Tom Wolf’s assumption of near dictatoria­l powers has always been legally and constituti­onally questionab­le. Whatever moral authority he may have had vanished with his hypocritic­al stroll through the streets of Harrisburg — and along with it the relevancy of his governorsh­ip.

It is time to put away the red, yellow and green flash cards.

It is time to end excessive state government interferen­ce in our lives. It is time to re-open Pennsylvan­ia.

 ??  ?? Lowman S. Henry Columnist
Lowman S. Henry Columnist

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