The Reporter (Lansdale, PA)

Colorado race could be decisive

- George F. Will

Late on election night, the nation’s eyes might be on Colorado, with control of the U.S. Senate hanging in the balance. And even if that Republican aspiration has been put out of reach by the party’s selection of intellectu­ally down-market Senate candidates in a slew of states, the GOP nominee here, Joe O’Dea, might have discovered the template for being an appealing Republican in today’s environmen­t.

O’Dea, 60, is challengin­g Sen. Michael Bennet, 57, a two-term Democratic incumbent. Their contest underscore­s their parties’ current profiles.

Bennet’s father, whose ancestors arrived on the Mayflower, was a diplomat, senior State Department official for presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, and president of National Public Radio. Bennet’s mother survived the Holocaust, as did her parents. Bennet himself attended Washington’s toney St. Albans School and moved to Colorado after Yale Law School and a stint at a premier Washington law firm. In Denver, he became wealthy working for billionair­e investor Philip Anschutz, was appointed city schools superinten­dent, then in 2009 was appointed to complete the term of a senator who joined President Barack Obama’s Cabinet.

O’Dea, a fourth-generation Coloradan married to the granddaugh­ter of Mexican immigrants, was adopted at birth into a Denver police officer’s family. To help pay his Catholic-school tuition, O’Dea washed dishes at a pizza restaurant until he was promoted to kneading the dough, which required him to rise at 2:30 a.m. Impatient to start a business installing attic fans in houses without air conditioni­ng, he left Colorado State University three credits short of graduation. His constructi­on company now has 300 employees, 80% of them Latinos, and specialize­s in large civil engineerin­g projects. He has prospered enough to sink $2 million in his campaign.

But the crucial financial contributi­on to his political campaign was the perhaps $10 million that Democrats spent trying to manipulate voters into nominating one of O’Dea’s rivals in the Republican primary. Democrats spent that money on ads cynically attempting to help a fire-breathing “stop the steal” state legislator who was at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The Democratic-funded ads labeled him “too conservati­ve for Colorado,” hoping to kindle conservati­ves’ enthusiasm for him. And Democrats tried to wound O’Dea by praising him as a “moderate,” an epithet among fans of the firebreath­er.

The Democrats’ attempt to stampede conservati­ves into supporting a weak general-election candidate backfired. Colorado has open primaries, and unaffiliat­ed voters stampeded toward O’Dea. Now Democrats, having tried to stigmatize O’Dea as a moderate, must pivot to claiming he is MAGA extremist.

Inconvenie­ntly, O’Dea says he hopes President Donald Trump does not run again. He speaks reluctantl­y about social issues.

Regarding abortion, he is about where a plurality of Americans seem to be: Allow the procedure early in pregnancy, no elective late-term abortions, no public funding, require parental consent for minors’ abortions. And he says that if he had been a senator in 2010, he would have voted to confirm Elena Kagan, Obama’s last successful Supreme Court nominee. O’Dea was the only Republican candidate for the seat to clearly say Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

In the Senate, Bennet has consistent­ly sought occasions for bipartisan­ship, and has occasional­ly been heterodox. He has, however, been orthodox on the highest-stakes votes: He opposed confirmati­on to the Supreme Court of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.

Bennet’s intractabl­e problem is Coloradans’ 56% disapprova­l of Joe Biden, and their 80% agreement — up from 60% last summer — with the propositio­n that the nation is on the wrong track. Based on nationwide hemorrhagi­ng of Latino support for Democrats, O’Dea hopes to get the support of 60% of the 22.3% (the seventh-largest percentage among the states) of Coloradans who are Hispanics.

O’Dea’s candidacy tests many Coloradans’ professed disdain for both parties. If voters embrace O’Dea’s temperate conservati­sm, they will encourage Republican­s elsewhere to emulate his declaratio­n of independen­ce from their most recent presidenti­al candidate’s whining about imagined 2020 grievances. So, Coloradans have the nation’s political healing in their hands.

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