The Reporter (Vacaville)

A plague of trash

Pandemic practices have enlarged the waste stream, but you can stay safe while curbing paper and plastic use

- By Liz Ohanesian Southern California News Group

On Instagram, Cindy Villaseñor shares snapshots of her low-waste lifestyle, and she says she hears from followers who are trying to reduce their trash, even if life during the pandemic makes it more challengin­g.

“Some people, honestly, do get discourage­d,” says the Pasadena-based sustainabi­lity advocate by phone.

From personal protective equipment to singleuse utensils, the demand for plastics has gone up in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s after years of efforts from environmen­tal groups and government­s to curb usage of the material.

“The pandemic has made things worse in a couple of different ways,” says J.R. DeShazo, professor of public policy and director of Luskin Center for Innovation at UCLA. Last year, DeShazo and his team released the report “Plastic Waste in Los Angeles County,” which looked at the impact of single-use plastic utensils on local waste streams.

“Because people are not eating in, they’re ordering out much more than they were before and they’re much more likely to increase the amount of plastic that’s in their personal waste stream,” says DeShazo by phone. But it’s not just ordering dinner that contribute­s to waste.

It’s also deliveries from stores, which can increase paper and cardboard waste as well.

“In the good old days I would have taken my reusable bags to Trader Joe’s and I would have bought a mango and brought that mango home in that reusable bag,” DeShazo explains. “Now that mango arrives wrapped in plastic and then wrapped again in a paper bag.”

The result? “That one mango is producing twice the amount of waste that it used to.”

Miles Lewis sees an uptick in packaging as well.

“I do think that there is this return to a feeling that public health has to do with wrapping everything in plastic,” says the Woodland Hills-based artist and volunteer sustainabi­lity educator, adding that while people might still understand the environmen­tal issues that plastic presents, they may also be “willing to make the sacrifice for what they see as greater public health.”

For those who have been trying to live more sustainabl­y, attempts to reduce trash to a minimum during a pandemic can be frustratin­g. Even Villaseñor, who led sustainabi­lity workshops and gardening classes before the pandemic, says she’s had her challenges. Much of that was earlier in the COVID-19 pandemic when grocery stores, and even some California counties, banned the

use of reusable bags.

“I was trying to figure out my own way of trying to work around it,” she says. Sometimes that meant ordering community supported agricultur­e, or CSA, boxes instead of going to a store, since she could recycle or reuse the boxes.

Reusable bags did make a comeback, though, and that’s a good place to start working towards waste reduction. Use what you have on hand. “You don’t have to get a linen bag to go to the grocery store. If you got a bunch of plastic bags, just reuse those plastic bags,” says Lewis.

As for those single-use utensils, you can request that restaurant­s omit them from your order. That’s what Villaseñor has done. “It sometimes worked. It sometimes didn’t,” she says.

Still, making the request helps encourage both delivery apps and restaurant­s to make these options available. “These things are recorded and they’re analyzed by higher-ups in any of these businesses, both

the delivery business and the restaurant,” says Lewis. “Understand­ing that is a request that people are making signifies to them that they need to make that a clear option, that they are ready to do that, and that it’s something that their customers want.”

When it comes to shopping, try to consider which options create the least amount of waste. If possible, curbside pickup might be better than mail or delivery services. But if that’s not possible, Lewis has a tip. “Often a more environmen­tally friendly way to approach that in terms of transport is to have things consolidat­ed through slower delivery rather than same-day delivery,” he says.

Especially now, it’s important to remember to recycle what you can. “Make sure that all the glass and aluminum that you are using gets recycled,” says DeShazo, “because those are the two materials that have an economic value and we really need to make sure that that value is being captured.”

 ?? PHOTO COURTESY OF CINDY VILLASEÑOR ?? Cindy Villaseñor shares snapshots of her low-waste lifestyle online.
PHOTO COURTESY OF CINDY VILLASEÑOR Cindy Villaseñor shares snapshots of her low-waste lifestyle online.

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