The Reporter (Vacaville)

Let the chips fall ...


Many of us can harken back to a more innocent time when “Total Recall” was just a lessthan-award-winning movie staring our beloved ex-governator.

Nowadays, it’s the out-oftown malcontent­s’ monotonous mantra.

Their vow to purge our city’s pantheon has nary a council member, regardless of tenure, remaining on their Christmas card list. (Oddly enough, some council members are so new on the job they haven’t even had a chance to hang a picture of Len Augustine on their wall!) Regardless, these irascible iconoclast­s, feeling that they are victims of systemic semantics and other irrelevanc­ies, are fomenting a crusade to oust our oligarchy in its entirety.

Even Don Khey, the city’s longtime mule skinner, is feeling the yoke tighten. “I can get 19 of them critters to pull for the team, but it’s that dern 5 percent that’s never happy or remotely satisfied,” he lamented in his self-defense testimony.

Well and good, as we’re all head over heels embracing “change” — but who can winnow who? Suppose you’re blessed to reside in the first ward, but an adjacent ward’s boss is an alleged ax murderer. Can you unelect, via recall, a public figure that you didn’t elect and whose name wasn’t even printed on your ballot? Former law student and current interpreti­ve dancer, Ben Dalawl, offered this explanatio­n: “Um, no. Like ... I don’t think so,” he opined.

Well, there you have it. You can only have one chopping block per ward, so let those chips fall where they may.

— Bill Ferguson/Vacaville

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