The Reporter (Vacaville)

How do you handle a bad trump break?

- By Phillip Alder PHILLIP ALDER

Has anyone published a book that contains the world’s best proverbs? If so, I hope this one from Ireland made the cut: “Don’t break your shin on a stool that is not in your way.”

Many players would trip over the stool in this deal. How should South play in seven hearts after West leads the spade king?

If this deal was played at 20 tables, you would probably get 20 different auctions and at least six final contracts: small and grand slams in no-trump, hearts and diamonds.

In this auction, South reversed with two hearts, which showed longer diamonds than hearts and at least 17 points. Four clubs was a splinter bid agreeing hearts, showing at least game-going values and a singleton or void in clubs. When South, out of ideas, jumped to six hearts, North felt that his wonderful diamonds and three first-round controls justified raising to seven hearts.

South realized that the only problem would be a 4-0 trump break, which would make communicat­ions difficult.

After a minute or so, South spotted the best line. He put up dummy’s spade ace and discarded a diamond (the critical play). He led a heart to hand, uncovering the bad split, ruffed the club jack on the board, played a second trump to hand and ruffed the club queen. Dummy’s diamond ace was cashed, and dummy’s last heart led to hand. Now declarer cashed his fourth heart and the club ace, discarding the diamond king and diamond queen from the board. He claimed the remainder with his four diamond winners. Cute!

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