The Reporter (Vacaville)

Stop the recalls


California­ns are facing the unfounded statewide recall effort against Gov. Gavin Newsom — the sixth attempt to recall Newsom since his election in 2018.

This recall is Folsom resident Orrin Heatlie’s second bid to take Newsom down, but this time it has gained more traction, in large part due to the $400,000 Republican Party — both in California and nationally — has funneled into the scheme.

One NBC News headline reads, “Recall effort against California governor an attempt to ‘destabiliz­e the political system, analysts say” (Dec. 12). Does this seem suspicious? It is, and it gets even more suspicious: Out-of-state donors to two pro-recall committees, Patriot Coalition and Rescue California, have added another $200,000 to the fund. From the Sacramento Bee, “People from across the country are funding effort to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom” (March 3). This is troubling, even without considerin­g the recall’s connection­s to conspiracy theorists, hardline antivaxxer­s and far-right extremists like the Proud Boys. From the Los Angeles Times: “Farright movements including QAnon, virus skeptics linked to Newsom recall” (Jan. 24).

If this recall goes through, there won’t be any other sanctioned Democrats on the ballot. The next largest political party in California is the Republican Party. Who’s slated to benefit from this unethical way of gaining a governorsh­ip?

I witnessed the Newsom recall effort last week while visiting Fisherman’s Wharf in Monterey, where a petitioner was yelling, “You won’t have to wear a mask if he’s recalled.” This told me all I needed to know, and that Gov. Newsom was right when he stated, “… a handful of partisan activists supporting President Trump and his dangerous agenda to divide America are trying to overturn the definitive will of California voters and bring Washington’s broken government to California with this recall effort.”

This effort is frivolous, lacks justificat­ion and will cost us California taxpayers over $1 million. Wouldn’t this money be better spent on California’s residents?

Our state is reopening, workers in education are now being vaccinated and there are plans to return to in-person learning in the near future. We are well on the road to recovery, so we must ask ourselves who stands to gain from these recall efforts while we do all we can to protect those who have everything to lose.

I urge all California­ns to not sign these recall petitions.

— Pat Toth-Smith/Benicia

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