The Reporter (Vacaville)

The finesse loses, which is lucky


We all know that a finesse is theoretica­lly 50-50, but how do you feel when one loses? That they cannot all win? Almost persecuted? Not surprised at all? However, there are a few deals on which a losing finesse can be a lifesaver. Strangely, its loss will avert the need to rely on another suit to generate tricks.

Given that subtle(!) hint, in this deal, how should South play in six spades? West leads the heart jack. Declarer ruffs and draws trumps in three rounds, East discarding a heart.

North had an uncomforta­ble bid over West’s pre-emptive raise to four hearts, but five clubs, despite only 6 high-card points, could hardly be criticized. (His alternativ­e, if unwilling to pass, was four no-trump, showing length in both minors. But that would be preferable with 5-5.) Then South bid what he thought he could make.

At first glance, it looks as though declarer should cash the two top

clubs. If the queen drops, he is home with an overtrick. If she doesn’t, he needs to find East with a royal singleton or doubleton in diamonds.

However, there is a much better line. At trick five, lead the club 10 and put on dummy’s jack. If the finesse loses, East winning with the queen, South has four club winners for his three diamond losers. If the club finesse wins, declarer has two dummy entries to take two diamond finesses, one of which will surely succeed given East’s opening bid.

Finally, did you notice that if West covers the club 10 with the queen, declarer must duck! How rare is


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