The Riverside Press-Enterprise

Alzheimer’s facts, figures and strategies


June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month.

It’s time to increase our collective awareness of Alzheimer’s disease, with the prospect of influencin­g healthy habits, behaviors and continued research.

Let’s start with a little history and a definition.

The disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. In 1906, he had a patient who showed memory loss, language problems and unpredicta­ble behavior. After she died, he examined her brain and found abnormal clumps and tangled bundles of fibers. Today these abnormalit­ies are called amyloid plaques and tangles; they are still considered main features of the disease. An additional feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the loss of connection between neurons in the brain, which are important because they transmit messages between different parts of the brain and then to muscles and organs.

The disease is a progressiv­e neurologic­al disorder that causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die. Since the disease is progressiv­e, patients experience a continuous decline in their ability to think, a decline in their behavioral and social skills and ultimately their ability to function independen­tly.

An estimated 6.5 million people in the U.S. 65 or older live with the disease, about 1 in 9 in this age group. By 2025, that demographi­c will have grown with the aging of the baby boomers from 6.5 million to 7.2 million. And by 2060, it is estimated that 13.8 million people will suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, barring medical breakthrou­ghs.

Check your level of awareness by taking the following true-false quiz.

1. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease.

ATrue. The Mayo Clinic reports treatments are available that temporaril­y improve symptoms of memory loss and problems with thinking and reasoning. However, these treatments do not stop the decline and death of brain cells.

2. Scientists know the cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

AFalse. They generally agree there is no single cause. It’s likely a combinatio­n of genetics, environmen­tal influences and lifestyle. From a basic science perspectiv­e, scientists think the disease is caused by the abnormal buildup of proteins in and around the brain. It is unclear why this occurs.

3. Age is the greatest risk factor for the disease.

ATrue. The largest risk factor for late onset of the disease is age. Among those 85 or older, 33.2 percent have Alzheimer’s disease. The aging baby boom generation will only increase that percentage. To a lesser extent, other risk factors include genetics, environmen­t and lifestyle.

4. Dementia is one of the costliest conditions to society.

ATrue. This year, the total cost in the U.S. to care for people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias is estimated at $321 billion — and that excludes informal caregiving. Medicare and Medicaid are expected to cover 64%; out-of-pocket costs are expected to be $81 billion, or 25% of the total payments.

5. Alzheimer’s disease is the tenth-leading cause of death in the U.S.

AFalse. Alzheimer’s disease is the seventh-leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The first three are heart disease, cancer and COVID-19, followed by accidents, stroke, chronic lower respirator­y diseases and then Alzheimer’s.

6. Dementia is another name for Alzheimer’s disease.

AFalse. Dementia is not a single disease. It’s an umbrella term used for loss of memory and other cognitive abilities that interferes with daily life. Alzheimer’s disease, the most prevalent, comprises 60%-80% of dementia cases.

7. Most caregiving is provided by profession­al health care workers.

AFalse. Nearly half of caregiving (48%) is provided by more than 11 million family caregivers and friends, equivalent to $270 billion and 16 billion hours of informal care. That’s about half of Walmart’s total revenue in 2020 and 14 times the total revenue of Mcdonald’s.

Given what we know, what can we do? Although the research is not conclusive, the literature offers several suggestion­s with no guarantees.

Recommenda­tions include regular physical exercise and what is called heart-healthy eating: limiting saturated fats and sugar and instead eating lots of fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains. Next, keep socially connected, engage in intellectu­al activity and try to avoid head trauma, such as from falls.

Let’s all increase our awareness of this disease by taking care of ourselves and helping in any way possible the millions of caregivers who support and care for those with all forms of dementia.

Stay well, everyone, and be kind to yourself and others.

Helen Dennis is a nationally recognized leader on issues of aging and the new retirement, with academic, corporate and nonprofit experience. Contact Helen with your questions and comments at Visit Helen at Helenmdenn­ and follow her on­agingcommu­nity

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? About 1 in 9 Americans 65 or older lives with Alzheimer’s disease. By increasing our collective awareness of this malady, we can influence healthy habits and behaviors and continued research.
GETTY IMAGES About 1 in 9 Americans 65 or older lives with Alzheimer’s disease. By increasing our collective awareness of this malady, we can influence healthy habits and behaviors and continued research.
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