The Riverside Press-Enterprise

Letters to the editor


Hunter's laptop

Re “Hunter Biden seeks fed probe of Trump allies over laptop” (Feb. 2):

Correct me if I’ve got the story wrong, but Hunter Biden carelessly abandons a laptop at a computer repair shop, the contents reveal the despicable and corrupt character of the now president’s son, and now his lawyers are pushing back with the bluster to request further suppressio­n of the contents from the justice department. Had the images and corrupt dealings of the Biden family been revealed prior to the 2020 election, the outcome would have been different. They hid it in order to get their candidate in office. This is really a huge story considerin­g we are on the brink of nuclear war, crime and illegal immigratio­n are off the charts, eggs are about to cost a sawbuck, and unity in race and politics are at an all time low. The claim of not having evidence is ridiculous considerin­g that it is all on tape.

— Robert Snyder, Laguna Hills

CALPERS, another fail

Re “Add another to the long list of California’s botched projects” (Feb. 2):

Corporatio­ns eliminated pension and retiree medical plans in the 1980-90’s because the plans were financiall­y unsustaina­ble. Government chose to ignore reality, apparently thinking they could continue to raise taxes rather than address the problem. During this same period, businesses were moving jobs and revenue generating activities out of the state because of uncompetit­ive wage/benefit costs and tax rates. The rise of the high-tech companies saved the state financiall­y and provided jobs. But the tech companies quickly learned to move jobs and revenue-generating activities out of the country and for the same reasons. Today, California­ns are fleeing the state, fed up with high taxes, rising crime, incompeten­t schools and high housing costs. All this has been driven by political decisions. Yet, the political class thinks they can solve the problem with more of the same, i.e. exit and wealth taxes. It seems our political class is a product of our incompeten­t schools.

— Debbie Owen, Rancho Cucamonga

Biden's lies

Re “President Joe Biden’s endless stream of lies” (Feb. 1):

It has been over two years since Joe Biden has been in office and you are just now reporting his propensity to lie. I will add my thoughts to your editorial.

As leadership leads, so goes his administra­tion. It is very difficult for me to listen nor watch the thoughts and words proceeding from their lips, especially our safe border. The need for fact-checking is commonplac­e, an everyday reality.

— Janice Smalley, Castaic

Airlines use of sustainabl­e aviation fuel

Re “Climate-friendlier flights are taking off from Southern California” (Jan. 30):

Concealed carry gun law

Re “California lawmakers look to bolster gun laws” (Feb. 2):

The newspaper reports California is working to change the concealed carry gun law because of recent gun violence.

Concealed carry had nothing to do with the recent violence and if relaxed may have prevented some deaths.

The same day Dan Walters writes about all the failed California government efforts from the political class.

Looks like more failure heading our way.

Yet all the liberal voters continue to vote for activity rather than results.

— R. Steven Tungate,

Trabuco Canyon

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