The Riverside Press-Enterprise

Doctor oddly recommends less liquid to avoid kidney disease

- Dr. Keith Roach Columnist


>> I am a 79-yearold woman who weighs 123 pounds and exercises with Zumba, yoga and cardio drumming.

I feel well and have plenty of energy, friends, support and family. I have been on a low-salt eating program to treat Meniere’s disease for 25 years. My blood pressure is 115/69 mm Hg.

My doctor recently retired, so my new doctor took blood tests and discovered that I had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (EGFR) of less than 59. They sent me to a nephrologi­st, and the nephrologi­st said to cut down my total liquid intake to 7-8 cups a day and up my protein to 80-100 grams a day.

This seem contrary to everything I have ever heard. Eating more protein is not hard, but I’m feeling tired, deprived and constipate­d from such little liquid. Can you explain why I would be directed to drink so little liquid? Can I find a dietary plan to help with this variety of ailments? — C.V.

DEAR READER >> This advice is contrary to what I was taught and what is published in the literature — so much so that I wonder if there wasn’t a miscommuni­cation.

Protein restrictio­n has been part of the standard of care for decades, and its benefit in preventing progressio­n to dialysis or a transplant has been shown in many studies. For a 56-kilogram woman like yourself, your goal would be 35-45 grams of protein per day. Some studies have also shown that plant-based protein may have benefits over animal protein.

People with chronic kidney disease are at risk for fluid overload and low sodium levels, which can be dangerous. However, restrictin­g you to 2 liters is not usually necessary, and given your current symptoms, it isn’t the best idea, unless the nephrologi­st knows something that I don’t. (For example, if you already had a low sodium level, modest fluid restrictio­n would be appropriat­e.)

DEAR DR. ROACH >> I take 20 mg of famotidine and have for years. Is this safe to take daily? I’ve tried looking up the answer online and get a lot of conflictin­g results. — G.S.

DEAR READER >> In an ideal world, it would be great if you didn’t have to take any medication­s. However, reflux disease is very common; about 20% of the North American population has this symptomati­c disease, with an even higher prevalence in older ages.

Lifestyle changes are the first line of treatment. Avoidance of food triggers, weight loss if appropriat­e, elevation of the head of your bed, and avoiding eating at least 2 hours before bed are among the most effective. Smoking and excess alcohol use should be stopped.

When lifestyle changes aren’t enough, a histamine-2 blocker like famotidine is a reasonable option, especially for someone with intermitte­nt symptoms. Side effects are rare, and if you haven’t had them yet, you aren’t likely to get them. Proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole have more clearly defined risks with long-term use, so these should be reserved for when they are truly necessary. Famotidine starts working quickly, while omeprazole and similar drugs take days to work.

Contact Dr. Roach at Toyourgood­health@med.

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