The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Sound Off


Call 238-6928 to share your praises and peeves. Callers have 30 seconds. A big thank you to two Wilton paramedics who assisted me with a tire problem at the Jones Road Stewart’s on February 19. Thank you so much, I very much appreciate it.

••• Limerick man here. Remember when the slots were a ton of fun?/We pulled the arm and out came the cash we won/ For us players those days are gone/ For losing our money took too long/Now it’s “Ding dong, you’re done! Thank you, son.”

••• What is up with the daily dog excrement on the sidewalks on Broadway? Can’t people clean up after their animals? I just don’t understand it. This is a new trend, and it better end soon.

••• So the town of Milton has a councilman seat vacant and Supervisor Dan Lewza refuses to consider candidates other than Republican applicants when more than half the registered voters in Milton are Democrats or Independen­ts. What colossal arrogance. Lewza is the worst kind of political hack and needs to be removed in November.

••• I watched the city council meeting on February 21 and saw the discussion on the special election. The special election is wrong; we ought to vote in November. But what I can’t get over is that Saratoga Springs is the best city in upstate New York. Why would you want to change the form of government?

••• Liberalism places the collective good over the well-being of the individual, meaning that for it to work there must be a mechanism in place so the government can make productive people give up things to the unproducti­ve. Liberalism and socialism rob people of the fruits of their creativity, intelligen­ce and labor, thus eliminatin­g the incentive for people to work hard and achieve greatness. Societies which bankrupt the incentives to work always collapse as fewer and fewer people carry more and more of the burden.


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