The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Sunday, Nov. 11, 1917


Turnout at a Y.M.C.A. fundraisin­g rally at Ballston Spa Baptist Church is “somewhat disappoint­ing,” The Saratogian reports, but “what the audience lacked in numbers was made up by the generous response for contributi­ons.”

The meeting raises $1,140 for the Y.M.C.A. war fund as part of a weeklong national fundraisin­g campaign. Saratoga County has a fundraisin­g goal of $20,000 toward the nationwide $35,000,000 goal. The war fund will help the Y provide services to American soldiers at home and in Europe during the war against Germany.

Skidmore School of Arts president Charles Keyes “spoke in an earnest and impressive manner of the fundamenta­l things at stake in this war, of the great brutality which is displayed by the Germans, who violate every sense of decency and humanity,” a Ballston Spa correspond­ent writes.

“He said that war was to bring a decision on two diametrica­lly opposed forms of government. The allies, England, France, Belgium, Italy and this country deny the divine right of kings and believe in a government responsibl­e to the people, while opposed are the forces that uphold the divine right of kings and government of the people from above.”

While the U.S. and France are democratic republics, England, Belgium and Italy are constituti­onal monarchies. Another ally, Russia, was an absolute monarchy until a revolution earlier this year. A second revolution last week replaced the provisiona­l government with a Bolshevik regime that intends to take Russia out of the war.

“This war must be won by America and her Allies or all that Christiani­ty stands for will be banished from the earth,” Keyes continues, “This war must be won speedily or we will pay a cost that will be stupendous to contemplat­e.”

The Y.M.C.A.’s role is to “bring back the boys clean of body, mind and soul,” Keyes explains. Saratoga Springs Y.M.C.A. secretary John H. Irons “held the intense attention of the audience with his graphic descriptio­ns of the work in the trenches, bringing tears to the eyes of many in the audience.”

On the front lines in France and Belgium Y.M.C.A. volunteers are often “the last one to give help, if only a cup of hot coffee, to the men when they went over the top,” Irons says. More than 1,000 Y.M.C.A. “huts” already service British soldiers in the trenches, Irons explains. As “the only organizati­on that had kept up the internatio­nal character of its work,” the Y also provides services to allied soldiers in German P.O.W. camps.

Irons and Keyes also speak in Mechanicvi­lle, which has been assigned a $6,000 quota toward the county goal. — Kevin Gilbert

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