The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Stefanik silent too often


You would have expected Rep. Elise Stefanik to be among the first to condemn Trump’s shaming of U.S. Intelligen­ce agencies in Helsinki. But once again, she chooses to remain silent as America’s protectors are equated with Russian spies.

Stefanik sits on the House Intelligen­ce Committee and heads a subcommitt­ee on Emerging Threats. The very agencies which Trump debases are the main source of those committees’ informatio­n. Does Elise share her President’s skepticism of their unanimous verdict that Russia hacked the 2016 election campaigns? What is her trust level regarding other intelligen­ce informa- tion? She’s not telling us.

Silence seems a Stefanik specialty. A supposed friend of NATO, she fails to denounce Trump’s wreckingba­ll tactics with our allies. Indeed, her lips are sealed about most of Trump’s erratic and shameful behavior.

Ultimately, loyalty to Trump is disloyalty to key parts of her constituen­cy. Troops from Ft. Drum will be deployed based upon Presidenti­al perception­s of global threats and that is usually shaped by intelligen­ce agency input. Trusted informatio­n is their best preparatio­n for deployment. Saddam’s supposed chemical weapon stockpiles showed everyone the bitter consequenc­es of misinforma­tion.

If Stefanik keeps refusing to sit down and level with District 21 constituen­ts about vital security issues, then voters need to move her on to other employment in November.

Jim Reid


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