The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Mueller dismisses Trump’s exoneratio­n claims

- By Eric Tucker, Mary Clare Jalonick and Michael Balsamo

WASHINGTON >> Robert Mueller on Wednesday bluntly dismissed President Donald Trump’s claims of total exoneratio­n in the federal probe of Russia’s 2016 election interferen­ce, telling Congress he explicitly did not clear the president of obstructin­g his investigat­ion.

The former special counsel also rejected Trump’s assertions that the probe was a “witch hunt” and hoax.

In hours of some- times halting and stilted testimony, unfolding at a moment of deep division in the country, Mueller also condemned Trump’s praise of WikiLeaks, which released Democratic emails stolen by Russia. He declared Russian election interferen­ce one of the greatest challenges to democracy that he had encountere­d in his career. Russia, he said, was “doing it as we sit here.” Mueller’s reluctance at the televised Capitol Hill hearings to stray beyond his lengthy written report, and his reliance on terse, one-word answers, produced few if any new revelation­s to move Americans who may be hardened in their opinions about the success of Donald Trump’s presidency and whether impeachmen­t proceeding­s are necessary.

But that didn’t stop Republican­s and Democrats from their own divergent paths to question Mueller.

Trump’s GOP allies tried to cast the former special counsel and his prosecutor­s as politicall­y

motivated. They referred repeatedly to what they consider the improper opening of the investigat­ion.

Democrats, meanwhile, sought to emphasize the most incendiary findings of Mueller’s 448-page report and weaken Trump’s reelection prospects in ways that Mueller’s book-length report did not. They hoped that even if his testimony did not inspire impeachmen­t demands — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made clear she will not pursue impeachmen­t, for now — Mueller could nonetheles­s unambiguou­sly spell out questionab­le, normshatte­ring actions by the president.

Yet Mueller appeared unwilling or unable to offer crisp sound bites that could reshape public opinions.

He frequently gave single-word answers to lawmakers’ questions, even when given opportunit­ies to crystalliz­e allegation­s of obstructio­n of justice against the president. He referred time again to the wording in his report. He declined to read aloud hard-hitting statements in the report when prodded by Democrats to do so.

But he was unflinchin­g on the most-critical matters.

In the opening minutes of the hearing, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, asked Mueller about Trump’s claims of vindicatio­n in the investigat­ion.

“Did you actually totally exonerate the president?” Nadler asked. “No,” Mueller replied. When Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House intelligen­ce committee, asked, “Your investigat­ion is not a witch hunt, is it?”

“It is not a witch hunt,” Mueller flatly replied.

He gave Democrats a flicker of hope when he told Rep. Ted Lieu of California that he did not charge Trump because of a Justice Department legal opinion that says sitting presidents cannot be indicted. That statement cheered Democrats who understood him to be suggesting that he would otherwise have recommende­d prosecutio­n on the strength of the evidence.

But Mueller later walked back that statement, saying, “We did not reach a determinat­ion as to whether the president committed a crime.” His team, he said, “never started the process” of evaluating whether to charge the president.

Though Mueller described Russian government’s efforts to interfere in American politics as among the most serious challenges to democracy he had encountere­d in his decades-long career — which included steering the FBI after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — Republican­s focused on his conclusion that there was insufficie­nt evidence to establish a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“Those are the facts of the Mueller report. Russia meddled in the 2016 election,” said Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. “The president did not conspire with Russians. Nothing we hear today will change those facts.”

Mueller, pressed as to why he hadn’t investigat­ed a “dossier” of claims that the Republican­s insist helped lead to the start of the probe, he said that was not his charge.

That was “outside my purview,” he said repeatedly.

Mueller mostly brushed aside Republican allegation­s of bias, but in a moment of apparent agitation, he said he didn’t think lawmakers had ever “reviewed a report that is as thorough, as fair, as consistent as the report that we have in front of us.”

And when he was pressed on the fact that multiple members of his team had made contributi­ons to Democratic candidates, Mueller bristled at the implicatio­n that his prosecutor­s were compromise­d.

“I have been in this business for almost 25 years, and in those 25 years I have not had the occasion to ask somebody about their political affiliatio­n,” Mueller said. “It is not done. What I care about is the capability of the individual to do the job and do the job quickly and seriously and with integrity.”

Mueller, known for his taciturn nature, warned that he would not stray beyond what had already been revealed in his report. And the Justice Department instructed him to stay strictly within those parameters, giving him a formal directive to point to if he faced questions he did not want to answer.

Trump lashed out ahead of and during the hearings, saying on Twitter that “Democrats and others” were trying to fabricate a crime and pin it on “a very innocent President.” That was a continuati­on of the past two years during which Trump has made Mueller a regular target in an attempt to undermine his credibilit­y.

Over the past week, Trump had begun to frequently ask confidants how he thought the hearing would go, and while he expressed no worry that Mueller would reveal anything damaging, he was irritated that the former special counsel was being given the national stage, according to two Republican­s close to the White House.

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK ?? Former special counsel Robert Mueller
ANDREW HARNIK Former special counsel Robert Mueller

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