The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Super Senior play


The ACBL has players young and old, but as the membership’s median age has risen, the League has begun events for Seniors and Super Seniors. (Who knows what will be next — the Centenaria­n Pairs?)

In the Super Senior Pairs at the Fall NABC, Ron Powell was declarer at four hearts (reported by Bob Sanner). West led a spade, and Powell correctly feared a singleton and put up dummy’s ace. He took the A-K of trumps and led a diamond. West rose with his ace and led a club.

Declarer won, drew the missing trump, came to his other high club and led another diamond. When West played the queen, Powell let it win, “rectifying the count” for a squeeze.


South ruffed the club return and cashed his last trump at Trick 10, pitching a spade from dummy. East had to save his J-9 of diamonds so bared his king of spades, and Powell exited with a spade to end-play him. Well done.

South also succeeds by pitching a spade on the third club; he could squeeze East in spades and diamonds.


You hold: 865 AK953 7 4 3 A K. You open one heart, and your partner bids one spade. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: You have two unpleasant options: a bid of 1NT with your strength concentrat­ed in two suits, or a raise to two spades. A rebid of two hearts would suggest at least six hearts. My preference would be to raise. True, if partner passes, his spade suit may be flimsy, but then you may have no better spot. West dealer Neither side vulnerable

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