The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Un-favorite player



“Rose must be Grapefruit’s most un-favorite player in the club,” Unlucky Louie told me. “She puts the old goat in his place.”

Rose’s kindness toward other players is admirable. Grapefruit harangues his partners mercilessl­y.

“I was West in a penny game,” Louie said. “Grapefruit opened one diamond as South, I bid two clubs and North cue-bid three clubs. Grapefruit bid five diamonds, passed out.”

Louie led the king of clubs, dummy hit and Grapefruit was his usual self.

“Partner, you’re all foam and no beer. Bid 2NT and we get to the cold 3NT.” DOWN ONE

Grapefruit took the ace of clubs, drew trumps and led a spade to his king. He lost two spades and a club and told the kibitzers that North was depriving some village of its idiot.

Rose was East. “Mr. Grapefruit,” said she politely, “five diamonds was cold. Cash the king of hearts, draw trumps, throw a club from dummy on the ace of hearts, ruff a heart and exit with a club. You end-play West.”

For once, Grapefruit was mum. DAILY QUESTION You hold: 9 7 4 2 K A 9 7 5 4 A 7 3. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade, he rebids two hearts and you try 2NT. Partner next bids three diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner suggests six hearts, four diamonds and minimum values. If he had a 6-4 hand with extra strength, his second bid would have been three hearts or two diamonds. Bid five diamonds or cue-bid four clubs. If he has 8, A J 7 6 5 3, K Q 8 2, K 4, you might make a slam. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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