The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Daily Bridge Club

Louie’s monthly loan


The month was only halfway gone, but Unlucky Louie came to me, needing a loan. (Admittedly, he always pays me back.)

“Money can’t buy everything,” observed.

“Lack of it buys nothing,” Louie sighed. “Wallets should come with free refills.”

Louie might not need a loan if he held down his losses in my club’s penny game. Playing today’s four spades, he won the second heart and led the jack of trumps: king, ace, four. West won the next trump and led a third heart.


Louie ruffed and led a club: seven, deuce, five. West then led his last trump. Louie won and took the A-K of clubs, but when East discarded, Louie lost a second club. Down one.

Louie missed a winning play. He wants to preserve a trump in dummy to ruff his fourth club if necessary, hence he does well to lead the seven of trumps at Trick Three. West will play low, so will dummy. Louie can then duck a club. He ruffs the third heart, takes the ace of trumps and K-A of clubs, and ruffs his last low club.


You hold: J 10987 A9 J 4 A 8 4 3. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade and he rebids two hearts. What do you say?

This decision is close. Your partner has six or more hearts. If he had a five-card suit, he would have a more descriptiv­e second bid available. Since your jacks may be worth nothing, to pass and accept a plus score is reasonable. If you’re vulnerable, you might raise to three hearts to try for game. North dealer N-S vulnerable

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