The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Maintainin­g focus


In the club lounge, the talk turned to the importance of focus. One of our older members said his abilities were hard to gauge.

“One day, I amaze myself,” he sighed. “The next, I’m trying to find my cellphone when I’m talking on it.”

In today’s deal, West led the jack of trumps against four hearts, and South won with the king, led a diamond to the ace and ruffed a diamond with the deuce of trumps. (Oops.) He returned a trump to dummy’s ace and led a high diamond.


East ruffed (South threw a spade) and led the ten of clubs: king, ace. West then shifted to spade: five, queen, ace. South could only concede a club — he couldn’t reach dummy — and the defense cashed a spade. Down one.

South lost focus at Trick Three. He must ruff a diamond with a middle trump, lead a middle trump to dummy and continue with a high diamond. Then, if the defense operates the same way, South can lead his deuce of trumps to dummy’s four and run the diamonds to discard his low spades.


You hold: A 10 4 2 K 8 7 6 2 4 K 8 7. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids two clubs. What do you say? ANSWER: This problem is agonizing. Since your partner may have only 12 points, to pass may be your only route to a plus score. But he could have as many as 18 points, and passing may miss a game. If vulnerable, with more to gain, you might try 2NT. Do not bid two spades, which would suggest much more strength. North dealer N-S vulnerable

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