The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Daily Bridge Club Revealing bids


My contrarian view is that players bid too much. They enter the auction when the prospect of gain is uncertain. But modern thinking seems to be “Bid when it’s your turn.”

In the Women’s Pairs at the Fall NABC, Shawn Quinn emerged from a layoff to win the event with Nancy Passell. Quinn was today’s South. North’s bid of three clubs convention­ally invited game with three-card spade support. East came in with three hearts, but Quinn jumped to game.


West led her heart: five, eight, ace. Quinn placed East with some length in diamonds as well as in hearts -– West had not bid diamonds -– so East wouldn’t have many black-suit cards. So at Trick Two Quinn led the jack of trumps and let it ride. She picked up the trumps, threw a heart on the ace of diamonds, and lost one heart and one club. Plus 650 was a strong result.

East’s bid might have located a profitable sacrifice or directed an effective lead, but that was uncertain. Whether Quinn would have landed the valuable overtrick if East had kept silent is also uncertain, but I’m inclined to doubt it.


You hold: { 8 2 x K J 10 8 3 z K 8 4 3 2 y 8. Your partner opens one spade, you respond 1NT and he bids two clubs. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: A panel of experts might be split. To return to two spades might be best; partner might be able to ruff a club or two in your hand. A bid of two hearts might work well since your hand might be worthless unless hearts are trumps. Avoid a bid of 2NT; you lack the strength for that call, and when the deal appears to be a misfit, notrump is the worst place to play. South dealer N-S vulnerable

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