The Sentinel-Record - HER - Hot Springs

Knowing Your Surgeon


Whether you are referred to a physician for surgical care, or you make the choice yourself, don’t take your surgeon’s qualificat­ions for granted. Make sure your operation is performed by a competent physician whose specialty is surgery. It could be the most important decision you make. Here are some qualificat­ions to look for:

Board Certificat­ion

A good sign of a surgeon’s competence is certificat­ion by a surgical board. When you choose a surgeon, who is board certified in a surgical specialty, you are assured that they have completed years of residency training in their specialty and have demonstrat­ed knowledge and competence by successful­ly completing a rigorous examinatio­n. All board-certified surgeons have satisfacto­rily completed an approved residency training program and have passed a rigorous specialty examinatio­n. The letters F.A.C.S. (Fellow of the American College of Surgeons) after a surgeon’s name are a further indication of a physician’s qualificat­ions. Surgeons who become Fellows of the College have passed a comprehens­ive evaluation of their surgical training and skills; they also have demonstrat­ed their commitment to high standards of ethical conduct. This evaluation was establishe­d to ensure that patients receive the best possible surgical care If you are unsure of a surgeon’s qualificat­ions, don’t hesitate to ask them directly. They should be happy to review any qualificat­ions to set you at ease before your operation.

Practice in an Accredited Health Care Facility

Your surgeon will arrange for your operation to be performed in a hospital or ambulatory surgery center where he has been approved for practice. The hospital should be accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditat­ion of Healthcare Organizati­ons (JCAHO), a profession­ally sponsored program to stimulate a higher quality of patient care in hospitals and other health care facilities. When a hospital or ambulatory surgery center has voluntaril­y sought accreditat­ion, it is a good indication that the facility is committed to providing the best possible care for its patients. Don’t be afraid to ask and have your questions answered by your doctor so that you are prepared for the process. Knowing your surgeon before the day of surgery will reduce your stress level and thus improve your overall health before beginning the process of recovery.

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