The Sentinel-Record

Losing our country


EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a corrected version of a letter published on Sunday.

Dear editor:

Something terrible is happening. We’re losing our country!

Our nation is no longer the exceptiona­lly great nation that it once was! Have you noticed? Do you wonder why this has and is happening? Could it have anything to do with what made this nation so blessed right from the beginning?

Weren’t we described as being “one nation under God”? Where do all blessings come from? Obviously the only true answer is from Almighty God: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change …” ( James 1: 17).

We indeed were founded as a Christian nation, as can be plainly seen in our true, unedited American history, even though the enemies of God keep trying to convince everyone else that we never were a Christian nation. Don’t you believe that great lie! These God haters want to remove God and His ways from every area of our nation.

Remember once again — that God is the only real source of all our blessings! I ask — is trying to do away with God a very smart move?

“In the midst of its blessing, ancient Israel had begun driving God out of its government, out of its public squares, out of its culture, out of the instructio­n of its children. America had done likewise — beginning in the early 1960s as America banned prayer and the reading of Scriptures from its public schools. The rulings were symptomati­c of a larger removal of God from American culture. … The nation was moving — slowly at first and then with increasing speed — away from God and the ways of God.”

“But in 1973, the nation’s highest court legalized the killing of unborn children. In the case of ancient Israel, it was the killing of its innocent little children that would ultimately lead to national judgment and destructio­n: ( Read 2 Kings 17: 15- 17)”.

“If the comparison seems severe, we must consider this: Israel killed thousand of its children; America has killed millions! The number of those killed now well over fifty million, a population of many Israels!”

“In the fall of ancient Israel, the nation decided it could rewrite morality and change what was good and evil, sin and righteousn­ess — so too in America. The Bible warns: ‘ Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness’ ( Isaiah 5: 20).”

“… America, having been formed after the pattern of ancient Israel, is now following the same course of Israel’s apostasy ( rebellion from God).”

“God had revealed Himself to Israel. He had blessed them with peace, prosperity and protection.”

“So too has America been given much. ‘ To whom much is given, from him much will be required.’ ( Luke 12: 48).”

“Since America has been given much, then much will be required. And its sins must be severely judged.”

“It is a wake- up call and a warning that if the nation does not return to God, judgment will come.” ( Quotes from “The Mystery of the Shemitah” by Jonathan Cahn.)

Lloyd Hoffman

Hot Springs

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