The Sentinel-Record


- Jacqueline Bigar

A baby born today has a Sun and Moon in Leo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Friday, Aug. 14, 2015: This year you experience a new beginning in a chosen area of your life. You might feel as if you have waited a long time to get to this point. Be more clear and direct in how you deal with a personal matter. You need to open up discussion­s with others. If you are single, you can’t seem to clear out your admirers fast enough. You’ll find that a certain connection will grow into more, given some time. If you are attached, the two of you will experience more romance, somewhat like you did when you first met. Be open about your feelings, and your sweetie will respond in kind. A fellow LEO likes your flare and style. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5- Dynamic; 4- Positive; 3- Average; 2- So- so; 1- Difficult

ARIES ( March 21- April 19) Make a resolution today that involves a loved one. You feel as if there is no time like the present to clear out a hassle. Tap into your imaginatio­n, and you will produce a different type of interactio­n. Be more upbeat than you have been in the past. Tonight: Christen the weekend well.

TAURUS ( April 20- May 20) Express your caring to someone you really care about. Finally, you seem to have accepted this person as he or she is. A newfound peace has allowed this bond to evolve to a new depth and level of understand­ing. Tonight: Let the party begin.

GEMINI ( May 21- June 20) You have a way of expressing yourself and knowing what you need. You might decide to change your communicat­ion style with one person. In doing this, you are giving both of you the space to grow. Often your expectatio­ns limit you. Tonight: Out and about.

CANCER ( June 21- July 22) You have become more aware of your budget and of the direction you would like to head in. Even still, you might have a hard time restrictin­g your spending. Know that you have what it takes. You can make what you want happen. Tonight: Fun doesn’t have to cost much.

LEO ( July 23- Aug. 22) A decision you make today is likely to last. Make choices that suit you, but also remain aware of the long- term implicatio­ns involved. You have a good sense of direction that will guide you. Don’t allow someone to rain on your parade. Tonight: Know when to call it a night.

VIRGO ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22) Take your time, and don’t feel as if you are being restricted. If your energy seems to be off, know that it could be because you’re exhausted. Take a break from the here and now. Decide to do yoga or some other relaxing activity. Tonight: Forget tonight. Think “weekend.”

LIBRA ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22) You might want to rethink a decision regarding an important friendship. You also might want to jump on a situation and move forward with it. Follow through, and you will be delighted by the results. Don’t discourage a child or loved one. Tonight: Where your pals are.

SCORPIO ( Oct. 23- Nov. 21) You might be more in touch with your needs than you had thought possible. Neverthele­ss, you’ll have to put your best foot forward when dealing with a higher- up or older relative. Not everything is as it seems. Discussion­s are likely to be animated. Tonight: Leader of the gang.

SAGITTARIU­S ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21) You will open up to a new conversati­on revolving around a potential trip and/ or different cultures. You could be involved in a personal matter that causes a lot of activity. You might want to head in a new direction. Don’t allow someone to stop you. Tonight: Follow the music.

CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19) You are more concerned about a loved one than you realize. Your conversati­ons with this person might not be effective, but only time will tell. Slow down and take time for yourself. Reassess the liabilitie­s of a financial partnershi­p if need be. Tonight: Make it early.

AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18) You might need to defer to someone else, even though you would rather not have to. Sometimes allowing others to see the results of their ideas is more important than letting them know that you feel they are heading in the wrong direction. Tonight: So many invitation­s.

PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20) You will accomplish a lot. Listen to what is being shared about a key project. Though you might want to relax and head out, you are better off completing what you are doing. You will start the weekend in a clearer frame of mind. Tonight: Say “yes” to an offer.

BORN TODAY Actress Halle Berry ( 1966), football player Tim Tebow ( 1987), comedian Steve Martin ( 1945)

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