The Sentinel-Record

Drug combo may help if statin doesn’t work alone


DEAR DOCTOR K: Despite taking statins, my cholestero­l hasn’t dropped as low as my doctor would like. I figured he’d put me on the new PCSK9 inhibitors. Instead, he suggested that I stay on my statin, but also take another drug called ezetimibe. What can you tell me about this combinatio­n?

DEAR READER: From what you say, I assume your doctor has used the highest dose of the most potent statins before giving up on those drugs. There are very few people whose cholestero­l does not drop substantia­lly on statins alone.

However, if your cholestero­l still is not low enough despite maximizing statin treatment, then you do need something else. The cholestero­l-lowering drugs known as PCSK9 inhibitors roared onto the market last year. Thanks to their impressive performanc­e in clinical trials — in one year, they lowered LDL (“bad”) cholestero­l levels by 40 to 60 percent — doctors and patients alike greeted them with excitement. But these drugs aren’t for everyone.

Why? One big reason is cost. PCSK9 inhibitors cost an estimated $14,600 per year. Did I just hear you gulp? I thought so. By contrast, most statins are available as generics. They can cost as little as $4 per month through discount programs at large chain stores.

Moreover, the statins have been proven to decrease actual heart attacks and strokes. Doctors do not yet know if the PCSK9 inhibitors will ultimately do the same. Finally, PCSK9 inhibitors are given by injection every two to four weeks, whereas statins are pills.

But when statins alone do not adequately lower LDL cholestero­l, there are other options than the PCSK9 inhibitors, as well.

One alternativ­e is ezetimibe (Zetia). This drug blocks cholestero­l in food from crossing the intestinal wall and getting into the bloodstrea­m. It can lower LDL levels by roughly 15 to 20 percent when used alone. And when added to statins, it can lower cholestero­l further. Ezetimibe has an excellent safety record and is generally well tolerated.

One large study compared adding ezetimibe to the statin simvastati­n (the combinatio­n found in the drug Vytorin) to using one of the statin drugs (simvastati­n) alone. The combinatio­n was more effective in preventing heart attacks and strokes.

The study included more than 18,000 people who were recovering from heart attacks. After six years, LDL levels in the ezetimibe-plus-simvastati­n group dropped considerab­ly lower than in the group taking just simvastati­n. More important, comparing a theoretica­l group of 100,000 people taking the combined drugs to a group of the same size taking just the simvastati­n, 2,000 more people taking just simvastati­n would have had another heart attack or a stroke.

Ezetimibe works when added to any statin. If the combinatio­n of a statin plus ezetimibe doesn’t work for you, then your doctor may consider a PCSK9 inhibitor.

Not all insurance companies pay for PCSK9 inhibitors. Those that do need proof from your doctor that every other way to lower your cholestero­l has not produced adequate results. Hopefully, adding ezetimibe will do the trick. I’ll bet it will.

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