The Sentinel-Record

Fall army worms are making grass disappear


There are several reports of fall army worms in central Arkansas on some golf courses, lawns and pastures.

Fall army worms are caterpilla­rs that appear in large groups and cause damage by feeding on the leaves of green turf (usually Bermuda grass). The larvae (worms) can be white, off-white, yellow or light green in color after they hatch and then darken in color as they develop. Once they mature, the fall army worms are about 1.5 inches long. They are easy to identify by the presence of an upside-down Y marking on their head with white stripes down their body. The worms can quickly (in a matter of a few days) turn a green turf or a pasture into a brown area by feeding on the leaves across the area. The worms are a problem and a great nuisance until they’re subjected to a hard frost in late October or November.

Fall army worms do not over winter in Arkansas, instead, the adult moths catch wind currents and gradually move into our state from the south and lay eggs. Fall army worm damage can appear almost overnight. Infestatio­ns can be easily overlooked when the caterpilla­rs are small and eating very little, but once they grow large and eat more, the damage becomes readily apparent.

There are a few tips to remember about fall army worms. First of all, do not treat your lawn when army worms are tiny, however, get prepared. Several natural enemies, such as parasites, predators and pathogens, occur and can possibly eliminate or reduce population­s in a very short period of time, thereby saving you the effort. Many of you might remember a few years ago how the parasite, Cotesia marginiven­tris (a wasp parasitoid), showed up in large numbers and helped control the fall army worms in many fields.

County agents and producers saw the small white cocoon cases (of the pupal stage) that were mistakenly thought by some to be army worm eggs. We have seen on several occasions that army worm numbers will often decrease after the population of small larvae of the wasp parasitoid has previously been seen. The fall army worm has about six larval instars (“instar” is the developmen­tal stage of arthropods). The last few, particular­ly the fifth and sixth instars, are when most of the damage to pastures occurs. Of the total foliage consumed, greater than 80-85 percent will occur at these stages. The best advice is to not get over-anxious and treat before it’s really necessary. But, do not wait until they become too large either. Harvesting an infested hay meadow can often be an option if the hay is mature. Most of the recommende­d products will work well on medium-sized larvae.

If you decide to treat the army worms, liquid, not granular, insecticid­es are usually best. Any sprayable lawn insecticid­e can be applied in a coarse spray over the grass. Wet the grass thoroughly and do not mow for three days after applicatio­n.

Several lawn insecticid­es are effective caterpilla­r killers, however, products containing B.T. are effective only on small (1/2 inch or less) worms. Irrigate the grass before treating, to move the caterpilla­rs out of the thatch. Treat in late afternoon, as this is when the caterpilla­rs are likely to be feeding. If possible, mow before you treat and then do not mow for three days after treatment.

Winter cold has a great effect on army worm population­s. If a winter is severe, only a few of them will survive for next year. The good news is that army worms will not hurt your lawn permanentl­y. Since they feed on the grass blades and not the roots, they very rarely, if ever, kill the grass. But lawns can be weakened by this voracious eater, especially if they have suffered through the harsh growing conditions like we’ve experience­d this summer.

For more informatio­n on controllin­g army worms in pastures, see Extension fact sheet FSA 7083 “Managing army worms in Pastures and Hayfields,”­ns/ PDF/FSA-7083.pdf. Informatio­n about managing fall army worms can also be found armyworm%20sheet%202015.pdf.

To contact county agent Jimmy Driggers, email him at call 623-6841, or

Anyone who has an interest in gardening is welcome to the Master Gardener meetings held at 1 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at the Elk’s Lodge. For informatio­n, call the Extension office at 623-6841 or 922-4703 or email Allen Bates at

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