The Sentinel-Record

State lawmakers react to Trump firing FBI director


LITTLE ROCK — Members of Arkansas’ all-Republican congressio­nal delegation are stopping short of criticizin­g President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, and none of the state’s senators or representa­tives are so far calling for a special prosecutor to investigat­e the Trump campaign’s possible connection­s to Russia.

Remarks made Wednesday about Comey’s firing:


Sen. John Boozman: “The work undertaken on a daily basis by the men and women of the FBI is vital to the safety and security of our nation. I am grateful for James Comey’s integrity and service during his tenure as the bureau’s director, despite being placed in some very difficult situations over the past year. The Russian investigat­ions will continue. I have full confidence in my colleagues and the profession­al staff leading the investigat­ion by the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee. Americans deserve a full explanatio­n as to the circumstan­ces of the decision to immediatel­y remove Mr. Comey from his post. Our country has lost faith in many of our institutio­ns and a better public accounting of this situation, along with a thorough and fair confirmati­on process for the next FBI Director, can help restore some of that broken trust.”


Sen. Tom Cotton: “The FBI director reports directly to the Deputy Attorney General and it’s clear from Rod Rosenstein’s letter that he had lost confidence in Director Comey. It’s hard to stay on the job under those circumstan­ces. I expect the Deputy Attorney General to testify to Congress to explain more of his reasoning and the timing, but the most important thing now is that the President nominate a new director of unimpeacha­ble integrity and unquestion­ed independen­ce to lead the FBI.”


Rep. French Hill: “I am carefully reviewing the background and rationale for the Director’s dismissal last night by President Trump. The firing of an FBI Director is a reasonable cause for concern for the American people who deserve an FBI that is immune to any political influence. Due to the delicate nature of this important situation, I do not feel it is appropriat­e for me to deliver an opinion on the matter without having received all of the facts. Having said that, the president needs to quickly appoint someone to the job who not only he feels confident can fairly uphold the law, but the American people can feel confident in as well. I also support the continued FBI investigat­ion into potential Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election, and the House and Senate Intelligen­ce Committee’s investigat­ions must continue unimpeded by this decision.”


Beau Walker, chief of staff for Rep. Steve Womack: “Congressma­n Womack understand­s the timing of Director Comey’s dismissal is concerning to some. Ultimately, executive branch officials serve at the will of the president.”


Rep. Bruce Westerman declined to comment.


The staff of Rep. Rick Crawford said Crawford was out of the country and not available to comment.

••• Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Michael John Gray: “I am calling on our congressio­nal delegation to demand that an independen­t counsel be appointed to oversee the (election) investigat­ion. This is about protecting the integrity of the United States Constituti­on. This is not partisan and it is not complicate­d. Our President has created a constituti­onal crisis and the clearest path toward unwinding this crisis is to appoint an independen­t investigat­or.”

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