The Sentinel-Record

Crohn’s disease can be a factor in B12 deficiency

- Copyright 2017, Universal UClick for UFS Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and primary care physician at UCLA Health.

Dear Doctor: I’m living with Crohn’s disease. Even though I feel fine, my wife is certain that it has caused me to be vitamin B12 deficient. If you could explain the signs of a B12 deficiency, it may put her mind at ease and get me off the hot seat.

Dear Reader: When you have Crohn’s disease, a portion of your digestive tract is chronicall­y irritated or inflamed. Symptoms include pain or cramping in your abdomen, diarrhea, fever and weight loss. The cause of Crohn’s disease, one of a group of disorders known as inflammato­ry bowel disease (IBD), is not known at this time. However, changes in diet and the use of medication­s to reduce inflammati­on, along with bowel rest, can help relieve symptoms.

The reason your wife is concerned about your levels of vitamin B12 is that Crohn’s disease can cause the tissue of the bowel to thicken, become scarred or develop ulcers. Any of these may cause the bowel to lose the ability to properly absorb nutrients. When the disease is located at the far end of the small intestine, where vitamin B12 absorption takes place, maintainin­g healthy levels of that vitamin can indeed become an issue.

We need about 2.4 micrograms of B12 per day for our bodies to carry out functions like making red blood cells, keeping our nerves healthy and making DNA.

Sources of B12 include fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and other dairy products, with liver and clams delivering a particular­ly hefty dose of the vitamin.

It’s also added to some breakfast cereals and is available as a supplement.

Although most people in the United States get enough B12 through a balanced diet, up to 15 percent of Americans have some degree of deficiency. Some older adults lack adequate hydrochlor­ic acid in their stomachs to properly separate B12 from food. That means that when the contents of the stomach reaches the end of the small intestine, B12 is not available in a form that can be absorbed. In individual­s like yourself, whose bowel is chronicall­y inflamed, absorption in the small intestine can become compromise­d, even with proper digestion in the stomach.

Symptoms that can indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency include feeling weak and tired for no apparent reason, mental confusion or “fogginess,” a decline in balance, the onset of depression and even signs of dementia. Other indicators may be poor appetite, unexplaine­d weight loss, ongoing constipati­on and nerve problems like prickling or tingling in the hands or feet. In extreme cases, a deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to megaloblas­tic anemia, which can cause extreme fatigue, dizziness and pale skin.

If these symptoms sound familiar, your family doctor will measure your B12 levels via a simple blood or urine test. Should a deficiency be found, treatment may include a diet of foods rich in B12, regular B12 supplement­s or, in a severe case, B12 injections. And considerin­g that long-term B12 deficiency can cause nerve damage and other serious problems, we would also prescribe a “thank you” to your wife.

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