The Sentinel-Record



HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Sunday, November 12, 2017: This year you enter the first and luckiest year of a 12-year life cycle. You are likely to enjoy yourself more than you have in the recent past. You could meet someone of great importance to your life as a result. If you are single, do not worry about your status. Your age will determine the type of bond you create. If you are attached, the two of you agree to acquiesce each other at times. Learning to be more specific could make all the difference. Try not to judge your sweetie so much.

TAURUS knows how to have fun. A baby born today has a Sun in Scorpio and a Moon in Virgo.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

ARIES (M arch 21-A pril19)

★★★★ Be willing to dote on a loved one who remains quite close to you. Know that your intuition could be slightly off. You can look at a situation only from your own experience­s, which is likely to affect your sixth sense. A friend plays a big role in your plans. Tonight: Feel as free as a bird.

This Week: You might be more tired than you realize.

TAURUS( April 20- May 20)

★★★★★ Your creativity and willingnes­s to express your feelings become evident. You will become more in tune with others because of a newfound openness. Let go of a belief that you have held since you were a child, and you will see life differentl­y. Tonight: You are full of fun.

This Week: By Thursday, you will be ready to party with loved ones!

GEMINI( May 21- June 20)

★★★★★ Keep reaching out to someone close to you, perhaps a relative whom you have not seen much lately. Make plans to visit this person over an early dinner or a late brunch. Enjoy this interactio­n to the max. Try to spend more time together. Tonight: Your home is your castle.

This Week: Romance and creativity serve as your muses this week.

CANCER( June 21- July 22)

★★★★ A conversati­on should not be postponed any longer. You will find that having this talk frees you up to enjoy more time with a partner. Don’t allow your imaginatio­n to get out of control. Be more forthright about your feelings. Tonight: Catch up on some friend’s news.

This Week: Dance the weekend away.

LEO( July 23- Aug .22)

★★★★ You generally take the high road and avoid harsh emotions. However, at the moment you could have an attack of the green-eyed monster. Know that your feelings might be based on a misunderst­anding. Find the person in question and clear the air. Tonight: Indulge a loved one.

This Week: Work with the New Moon rather than fight its energy.

VIRGO( Aug .23- Sept .22)

★★★★ You could feel insecure or confused by everything you hear today. Know that your feelings might be based on a miscommuni­cation that needs to be cleared up. You simply are not seeing this matter as clearly as you need to. Tonight: Reach out to a loved one.

This Week: Curb a tendency to want what your neighbor has.

LIBRA (Sept.23-O ct.22)

★★★ Reticence might not be your normal style, but it will work for you today, at least as a defense. Try making yourself a little uncomforta­ble by remaining more open. You might not be aware that a friend or loved one is receiving mixed messages. Tonight: Readjust your thinking.

This Week: You can’t be stopped.

SCORPIO( Oct .23- Nov .21)

★★★★ Don’t allow anyone to drag you down by implying that your values could be stronger. You might need to have a discussion here. Remain polite, but spend more time with someone who feels positively about your goals. Tonight: Join friends who are out. Just don’t be alone.

This Week: You might not feel up to snuff until Thursday.

SAGITTARIU­S( Nov .22- Dec .21)

★★★★ Your upbeat attitude and willingnes­s to share some personal feelings open up many doors. A new friend seems to appreciate how you express yourself. Still, you might not be willing to reveal more of your deeper thoughts and ideas. Tonight: Do some networking and socializin­g.

This Week: Lie low on Thursday.

CAPRICORN( Dec .22- Jan .19)

★★★ Your words hold weight. In fact, how you share an important concept defines how the idea will be received. Deal with questions more openly, but know that there might be a sense of confusion in the other party’s mind. Tonight: Look beyond the obvious when making plans.

This Week: Others can’t help but notice

AQUARIUS( Jan .20- Feb .18)

★★★★ You know how to affect a close loved one. You won’t hesitate to express yourself in a powerful way. Others stop to listen to what you have to say, and they will try to learn from you. Do not underestim­ate the power of your words. Tonight: Be with a favorite person.

This Week: Attempt to understand the different energy around you.

PISCES( Feb .19- March 20)

★★★★ You often wander into the fantasy world of your imaginatio­n. Your dreams express a fertile creativity and a deep resilience. Learn to take notes and be more sensitive to what is being offered. Invite others to join you on some kind of adventure. Tonight: Continue as you have.

This Week: Work with a partner.


Singer/songwriter Neil Young (1945), actress Grace Kelly (1929), figure skater Tonya Harding (1970)

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