The Sentinel-Record

Contract Bridge

- Jay and Steve Becker

1. Ten tricks are easy if the missing trumps are divided 3-2 or either opponent has the singleton jack. The only real threat to the contract is that one of the opponents was dealt the J-x-x-x of trumps, so you should take steps to deal with that possibilit­y.

Accordingl­y, you win the club lead with the ace and ruff the three of clubs at trick two. You then cash the A-K of trumps to find out where you stand in the trump suit. If everyone follows twice, you’re home free, so let’s say North was dealt this hand:

In that case, he’ll wind up taking second money -- despite his sure trump trick -- because of your foresight in trumping a club at trick two.

After next cashing the queen of hearts and A-K of spades, you ruff another club, then play a diamond to the ace followed by a third club ruff. That brings you to 10 tricks, which was your goal from the start. Note that the same line of play also yields 10 tricks if South rather than North started with four trumps.

2. Win the opening heart

lead with the king, play a low club from dummy and finesse the ten! If North wins the trick with the jack, which is certainly possible, you have nine sure tricks consisting of five clubs, a spade, two hearts and a diamond.

If the ten of clubs wins the trick, you are equally certain of the contract, whether North follows suit or not. You next lead a low club to dummy’s queen and continue with the ace and another spade, establishi­ng a spade entry to your hand to cash at least two more club tricks.

This method of play guarantees at least four club tricks, two spades, two hearts and a diamond. The unusual club finesse at trick two guards against any possible division of the suit, whether it is divided 3-2, 4-1 or 5-0.

Tomorrow: How to win by losing.

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