The Sentinel-Record

Proud of beliefs


Dear editor:

Lets’ see, I’ve been called deplorable, narrow-minded and now most recently, a religious zealot. Also, if I or anyone else happened to disagree with Obama’s policies, we might just be racists. The left likes throwing that one around.

Let me quote Barry Goldwater: “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.” Now I’ll change it a little regarding Mike Nunn’s letter: “Extremism in defense of religious liberty for Jews and Christians is no vice.”

We all know for the last 30 years or so the Judeo-Christian religions in this country and elsewhere have been under assault by the left. This is a typical tactic of the left, not just in this country, but in the former Soviet Union, Cuba, China, North Korea, it wasn’t just a coincidenc­e the young man they arrested and then beat to death recently in NK was a Christian whose crime was leaving Bibles. For some reason, recently the left has been defending Muslims all the while Muslims have been attacking Christians in the Middle East while Obama played golf. Trump has done more in that regard in a few months, then the last guy did in eight years.

The tactic in the above Communist/Socialist countries was that the state is the god. The communist leader should be viewed as a god, can’t have them worshippin­g two gods. They knew communism would fail if the people still had a strong attachment to the Christian God. As the Democrats have turned farther to the loony left, they, too, want people to worship the state and they have tried to stamp out Christiani­ty.

Thomas Jefferson, with some help from other Founders, wrote the most important words ever written outside the Bible: “They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienabl­e Rights.” The left has been spreading the lie for years now to try and undermine the belief, especially by the young, that we were not a nation founded by Christians, with all that implies. The goal has been the same as the above mentioned lefties.

Christians and their values have been the glue, the thread, that was used to create and has fused this country together for over 200 years and without it this nation, will surely fail. If a belief in the above makes me a religious zealot, than I’m guilty, I will wear that name proudly and I believe I have lots of company. Larry Bauer Hot Springs Village

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