The Sentinel-Record

Not caving in


Dear editor:

Mr. Doc, Revelation 22:18-19 tells us that if any man who heareth the words of the prophecy add or take away from these things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book and that God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life and out of the Holy City.

Leviticus 18:22 says: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is abominatio­n” — same-sex marriage! Proverbs 6:16-17 says: “These six things doth the Lord Hate: Yea, seven are an abominatio­n unto Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.” I do believe that covers abortion — the murder of an innocent, unborn baby.

I realize that liberals think they are privileged characters and you may get away with it with mortal man, but I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when getting caught adding to or taking away

from God’s Word.

You can do the ol’’ switcheroo with words, “libs habit of wanting everything your way,” but I would be fearful of trying it with the Almighty God.

You don’t like being called “crybaby, spoiled brats?” Stop being one.

Any pastor, a man of God, who believes that it’s OK to be married to another man, hasn’t read his Bible. This kind of ungodly behavior is to blame for a great portion of why our country is in such a mess! Think of the confusion in the minds of our little children! Same-sex marriage is filthy! Abortion is murder!

Doc, Mr. Hoffman’s letter was printed Sunday, Feb. 25, yours Wednesday, Feb. 28. You are blessed! But it’s never enough is it?

We Christian conservati­ves who believe in the sanctity of life and God’s calling homosexual­ity an abominatio­n, will never cave in to Dem’s distortion of God’s word.

Dems are the ones who want it their way “all the time,” even if it goes against God’s word. He also said if man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat. He didn’t say you could trade a meal for a vote. Mary Robinson Hot Springs

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