The Sentinel-Record

A guardian angel


Dear editor:

A friend of mine, Pat Darnell, and once contributo­r of Dear Editor, probably won’t have any more letters to Dear Editor because of her age and health, she couldn’t live alone and moved to Texas to live with her daughter. But she told me that her greatest compassion was for Mike Nunn to know the truth. This was her prayer; she considered him a friend.

To lose his freedoms terrified him. Jesus said, “If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” I was once one of the most terrified persons, but the Son made me free.

I once worked with a man that said he was an atheist. But, he said, “I believe there was a Jesus. He did more to change men for the good than anyone in history.” But he said, “I don’t believe he’s the son of God.” So we have historical records of Jesus and His life and death and resurrecti­on. There were over 500 people who were witnesses of His resurrecti­on. They were willing to die martyr’s deaths for the cause. And he wasn’t a little blond-haired, blue-eyed man. He was of Jewish descent. He came for the purpose of dying for sin and preparing a people to rule in the kingdom with Him.

Many atheists have tried to prove the Bible wrong but were converted after studying it.

I once knew a man who said he didn’t read the Bible; he studied astronomy and the stars. Why not study about the one who made the stars. We might learn the truth.

The disciples asked Jesus why he spoke in parables. He said, “It’s not given to the multitudes to know the mysteries of the kingdom, but to you (his disciples) it is given.” The parables, which means to lay alongside, were things the people were familiar with to teach a spiritual lesson. The parables concerned fishing, sowing seed, making wine, sewing garments; things that the people were familiar with.

Mike, am I being mean-spirited because I have compassion and would love to see you be set free like I was. When we are set free, God reveals himself to us; not visibly, but by the Holy Spirit and by enjoying His blessings and His truth and His love, and to know that He is with us. We couldn’t stand to see God in His glory and live. Paul said to prove all things; hold fast to that which is good; 1 Thess. 5a:21. The Bible is one of all things; it can be proven. But when we get our glorified bodies, we will be able to see Him in all His glory.

I know I have a guardian angel because I have been delivered from things that I didn’t have the ability. To see you set free because we love you would be great joy for Pat Darnell … and yourself, as well as I.

Peter said we heard God speak from heaven, but we have a more sure word … 2 Peter 1:18-21.

Clyde Edds Jessievill­e

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