The Sentinel-Record

Another enjoyable outing

- Corbet Deary Outdoor writer and photograph­er

After experienci­ng a pretty good day of black bass fishing during the first outing of the year, I was somewhat excited to return to the water. However, our priority was somewhat different when Kenny Talbert and I recently headed to Lake Ouachita.

Arkansas had experience­d several consecutiv­e days of warm weather, and we had a suspicion the white bass might be running. Judging from previous years, we might be a few weeks early. But there was a chance that the water temperatur­e had reached that magical number. At the least, a few males might have already began to congregate, which they normally do before the arrival of the sows.

As luck would have it, however, the waters appeared desolate. But that was OK, as we would simply resort to plan “B.” That’s right, we would head back to the main body of water.

Coasting to a stop within casting distance of a spot that notoriousl­y holds largemouth bass during the early spring, we both cast jerkbaits and began retrieving them across the point.

Although in fun, we always embark upon a little trash talk during our outings. But this trip would be even more intense than usual. It was our first outing in Kenny’s new boat. And we both had full intentions of earning a few titles.

Who was going to be the first to boat a fish from this particular vessel? Who would catch the biggest? And who would be the first to boat a limit. There would certainly be a lot of questions answered in the hours to come. And I suspected a plethora of bragging would follow.

Well, one of the unknowns were answered almost immediatel­y when Kenny tied into a striped bass. I dipped the fish with the landing net, reluctantl­y, while my friend was quick to remind me who had caught the first fish. And as much as I hated to admit it, my chances of catching the largest fish of the days were slim.

I certainly would not boat a black bass of larger proportion. My only chance was to coax yet another striper into biting before the day’s end. But the first limit of the day was still up for grabs.

I resorted to a different lure as we neared a rocky point. This soft plastic had proved itself time and time again during previous excursions. It might not be my all-time favorite largemouth choice. But I couldn’t think of anything more effective at coaxing Kentuckies into biting.

Sure enough, I managed to catch one right off the bat. But that was just the beginning, as I boated number two on the following cast. And to add salt to the wound, I caught yet another Kentucky on the third attempt.

I managed to boat another bass shortly thereafter. Things were looking up for ol’ Corb. I was only two away from the daily limit, And most importantl­y, I was the only person in the boat who had this particular lure.

But I finally grew tired of bragging and opted to share with my friend. With a little luck, I would maintain my lead long enough to catch the first limit of bass.

Although Kenny quickly began to gain ground, I eagerly boasted upon boating that magical number. But he was quick to recall who managed to catch the first and greatest in size.

We continued boating fish until time demanded we call it a day. It had proved a fun and productive outing. We had coaxed 20 fish into biting in just a few hours. And if all went as hoped for, this was just a prelude of the good times that would transpire during the remainder of 2018.

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