The Sentinel-Record

Heartfelt gratitude


Dear editor:

On June 1, I was involved in a hit-andrun accident.

There are many people I want to thank, but before I do, for those of you that helped me and came to my aid that night, (for everything happened so fast that it was such a blur) that I may not be able to recall your names or I may have possibly not had the chance to get your names. So, I ask that you forgive me for the oversight.

First off, I want to say thank you to James. You were the first one to reach me after I was hit. You took control of the situation and you talked to the 911 operator for me when you saw how hard I was shaking that I could barely hold my phone. You comforted me and stayed with me until help arrived.

Thank you to the lady who was behind me when the accident occurred and rushed to help. Thank you for staying with me until help arrived and especially for holding my hand and reassuring me that help was on the way. Both you and James were helpful in giving a descriptio­n of the vehicle that hit me, as well as the location it sped off in to, the police.

Thank you to the first responders, Hot Springs police officers, especially Officer Smith, for being so kind to my mother when you went to my home to let her know I was in an accident. You were so gracious to her and your reassuranc­e to her that I was OK. Thank you to the EMTs with LifeNet and the doctors and nurses at St. Vincent’s ER. And thank you to Holcomb’s towing and recovery for taking care of my truck.

Thank the Good Lord that I was not seriously hurt, just bruised up and very sore, and thankful that no one else was involved or injured. I wish I could say the same for my truck, the truck that I have cared for and loved for the past 16 years. It is not repairable.

To the person(s) that hit me. I have one word for you: coward! You may never see this letter, but I hope that you will live with the memory of what you have done for the rest of your life.

Thank you seems like such small words in this world where it is not said enough, so I hope my letter conveys my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helped me … a perfect stranger that none of you knew. Donna Robertson Hot Springs

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