The Sentinel-Record

Obsessed with skin tones


Dear editor:

Well, I tried to make some sense out of John Ragland’s diatribe, but couldn’t find an ounce of it. He does seem obsessed with skin tone. Kaddafi wasn’t a good guy by any stretch, but when he saw Saddam pulled out of his hole in the ground, he thought that could be me and he said come get my WMDs, I don’t want to be next. The internatio­nal authoritie­s obliged him and hauled them away.

Then, for some reason, the first brown president and his corrupt secretary of state decided to bomb Libya, got rid of Kaddafi, but left a complete mess behind. In the chaos not only got our ambassador and his bodyguards killed but caused tens of thousands of Libyans to get on derelict boats to flee across the Mediterran­ean Sea, many of which drowned, fed the sharks according to John. Then his inaction in Syria caused the same problems there and because of this someone I didn’t vote for, I’m a racist.

Putin and whatever fat Korean relative is the frontman for NK saw what happened to Kaddafi and it is one reason we’ve been having trouble with them both worried they might be next. It was stupid from the get-go to bomb Libya.

Then he goes on about 9/11 and with more nonsense because the terrorist that flew the planes into the WTC were brown-skinned Muslims. I guess we should just turn our heads the other way, because evidently following John’s convoluted logic, we can’t defend ourselves against them because we don’t want to appear racist? Let’s see, that means that about half the world can take shots at us and we should just look the other way, because by all means, let’s not appear racist. It’s all right to criticize what Bush did, but get it all mixed up with skin tone makes no sense.

At the height of the Cold War, JFK took us close to the brink when he demanded the Soviets get their missiles and nukes out of communist Castro’s Cuba. A few years later, probably with Soviet help, a communist Allende gained power in Chile. Not wanting another Soviet puppet to the south that means defending from two directions, Nixon probably used the CIA to help overthrow Allende, who had made the usual mess of Chile that socialism makes. Very similar to what we see in Venezuela today. I remember people hauling wheelbarro­ws full of money to get a loaf of bread in Chile then.

Remember when you could count on Democrats to be anti-communist and not actually be communist? I’m sure when Obama went down to watch baseball with Raul it was a lifetime fond memory for both of them, too bad Raul’s brother couldn’t have been there, may he rest in hell. Are the Castros brown? Larry Bauer Hot Springs Village

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