The Sentinel-Record

Tax cut specifics


Dear editor:

I read Mr. Vogt’s letter of Aug. 5, to which I was made party. He, like Mr. Alexander, avoided addressing Obama’s deficits which was the point of both Mr. Bosch’s and my letter.

President trump has a projected deficit of $725 billion for the year. Which is approximat­ely 70 percent of Obama’s actual yearly deficits. Mr. Vogt then for some reason ignores the point of the two letters and decides to talk of Obama’s tax cuts and how large they were. He did not mention specifics, so I looked up Obama’s record. Obama’s largest “tax cut” was only the extension of tax cuts put in place by the Bush administra­tion. He did reduce the payroll tax by 2 percent and bragged that this would put $1,000 a year in every household’s income.

When President Trump said this the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi in particular, called it “crumbs.” He also instituted $55 billion over 10 years in “industry specific tax cuts,” whatever that is.

What Mr. Vogt failed to mention is that Obama offset these cuts by reviving the 35 percent inheritanc­e tax commonly called the “death tax” on people inheritanc­e. Mr. Vogt also ignored the tax increase put in place by the Democrats without one Republican vote for its passage. This tax is commonly referred to as “Obamacare” and is the largest tax ever imposed on the citizens of the United States in the history of the republic with the exception of the taxes imposed to fight World War II.

On the other hand, President Trump’s tax cuts and reforms are the largest in the history of the republic and there have been no tax increases to offset them like Obama did. Robert Freeman Jr. Bonnerdale

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