The Sentinel-Record

Italy’s leader demands safe roads; bridge toll rises to 43


GENOA, Italy — Italy’s president demanded guarantees Saturday that all the nation’s roads are safe following the Genoa highway bridge collapse, after he hugged and comforted mourners at a state funeral in the grieving port city.

President Sergio Mattarella spoke quietly to victims’ families before the ceremony began on Genoa’s fairground­s. Usually reserved in demeanor, Mattarella was embraced tightly for a long moment by one distraught woman.

He then took his place with other Italian leaders, including Premier Giuseppe Conte and the transporta­tion minister, in the packed yet cavernous hall.

Afterward, Mattarella called the funeral, which took place on a day of national mourning, “a moment of grief, shared grief, by all of Italy.”

One mourner, a local man who would only give his first name, Alessandro, held a placard that read: “In Italy, we prefer ribbon-cuttings to maintenanc­e” — referring to the country’s dilapidate­d infrastruc­ture.

“These are mistakes that keep on repeating. And now, for the umpteenth time, angels have flown into heaven and paid for the mistakes of other human beings,” Alessandro said.

As the city honored its dead, the toll from Tuesday’s bridge collapse rose unofficial­ly Saturday to 43 with the discovery of four more bodies in the rubble and the death in the hospital of the most severely injured survivor.

Firefighte­r Stefano Zanut told Sky TG24 TV they had extracted from tons of broken concrete the crushed car that an Italian couple on vacation with their 9-year-old daughter had been traveling in.

Zanut said the last body pulled out of the wreckage was that of a young Italian man, an employee of Genoa’s trash company, who was working under the bridge when it collapsed. The man’s mother had refused to leave a tent set up a few hundred yards away from the rubble until his body was found.

RAI state radio said authoritie­s now believe there are no more missing in the tragedy.

Later, San Martino Hospital said a Romanian truck driver who had suffered severe cranial and chest injuries in the bridge collapse died Saturday evening.

The families of 19 victims their loved ones’ coffins brought to the hall for the funeral Mass led by Genoa’s archbishop, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, who said the tragedy “gashed the heart of Genoa.”

Among the coffins were those of two young Albanian Muslim men who lived and worked in Italy. Their remains were blessed at the end of the Catholic service by a Genoa imam, who drew applause when he prayed for God to “protect Italy and all Italians.”

Players and managers from the city’s two major league soccer teams, Genoa and Sampdoria, also attended after their weekend matches were postponed out of respect for the dead.

At other bridge funerals on Friday, angry mourners blamed authoritie­s of negligence and incompeten­ce for failing to keep the bridge safe.

During the state funeral, applause rang out and many fought back tears Saturday as a prelate read out the first names of some 30 victims who have been identified. The mourners also applauded Italian firefighte­rs, police and volunteers for the civil protection department as they arrived.

Mattarella toured what’s left of the Morandi Bridge, which broke apart in a fierce rainstorm, sending a long stretch of roadbed crashing 45 meters (150 feet) into a dry river bed near several apartment buildings. Those buildings have been evacuated and authoritie­s say they will have to be demolished.

After the funeral, Mattarella told reporters the bridge collapse “is an unacceptab­le tragedy.” He demanded that “responsibi­lity be ascertaine­d with rigor” for the collapse of the bridge, which linked two major highways, one leading to Milan and the other toward France.

 ?? The Associated Press ?? AERIAL VIEW: In this frame taken from a video released by the Vigili del Fuoco (Firefighte­rs), an aerial view of the collapsed Morandi highway bridge is shown Saturday in Genoa. Saturday was declared a national day of mourning in Italy and included a state funeral at the industrial port city’s fair grounds for those who plunged to their deaths as the 150-foot tall Morandi Bridge gave way Tuesday.
The Associated Press AERIAL VIEW: In this frame taken from a video released by the Vigili del Fuoco (Firefighte­rs), an aerial view of the collapsed Morandi highway bridge is shown Saturday in Genoa. Saturday was declared a national day of mourning in Italy and included a state funeral at the industrial port city’s fair grounds for those who plunged to their deaths as the 150-foot tall Morandi Bridge gave way Tuesday.

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