The Sentinel-Record

Self-deceived views


Dear editor:

This is a response to “Doc” Crawford’s letter on Sunday, Aug. 12.

Your first reference concerning me pointed to “Hoffman’s usual use of the Bible to argue any point he wants to make.” Why yes, I certainly do like to consult with God on the issues, since he is always absolutely right!

You obviously did not agree with me stating that abortion is the murder

of unborn babies, as I said in my Sunday, Aug. 5, letter. I also reminded everyone of one of God’s Ten Commandmen­ts in which God clearly said — “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13)!

In your latest letter, you stated that “The Bible does not specifical­ly categorize the murdering of babies.”

Actually, the Bible certainly does have something to say about the murdering of babies or children: “One only has to look at history to see how God deals with nations that murder children. He raised up the Babylonian­s and Assyrians to invade (ancient) Israel for practicing child sacrifice. (They were putting their live children into a fire to sacrifice them to Molech and other pagan gods — Jer. 7:31).

God issued a severe warning of judgment through the prophet Jeremiah, because they “have done evil in my sight” (Jer. 7:30-34).

More recently, “God used allied forces to crush Nazi Germany for sending children by the trainloads to the gas chambers.”

“Do we really have to wonder about God’s attitude toward a nation like ours that sanctions the killing of tens of millions of children? Abortion is the guarantee of God’s judgment!” (Quotes from Pastor Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Church, Dallas, in his book, “Twilights Last Gleaming.”)

I ask you, “Doc,” will you continue to advocate for a mother’s so-called “right” to murder her unborn child? I certainly haven’t seen anything in the Bible about God giving a woman that “right!”

And that was a most foolish thing to mention the story of Abraham and the near sacrifice of his son. God was testing Abraham to see if he loved Him more than anything else. Abraham passed the test and God intervened to save his son. This Bible story cannot be used rightfully as an attempt to rationaliz­e abortion!

You also recently supported a person’s “right” to love those of the same sex (or gender). I used the Bible once more by referencin­g Romans 1:26, 27 in which God described homosexual sex relations as being “shameful” and a “perversion.”

Can anyone really honestly read the Bible and somehow conclude that God approves of homosexual­s having sex with one another?

If that should still be a person’s conclusion, then surely they must be very self-deceived!

“Or do you not know that the unrighteou­s will not inherit the kingdom of God?

“Do not be deceived; neither fornicator­s, nor idol worshipper­s, nor adulterers, nor homosexual­s, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor liars, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthian­s 6:9-10).

We must repent of our sins and turn to Christ for forgivenes­s. Lloyd Hoffman Hot Springs

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