The Sentinel-Record

Listen to the people


Dear editor:

In response to Mr. Cherry’s letter posted

2-2-19, I would like to say I understand. You are frustrated about the fight over the wall and it seems like a no-brainer. I feel the same way trying to get people health care or to do something about global warming.

There has just been too much fake news aimed at scaring people about immigrants.

For example, people are afraid Americans will lose their identity if we let in immigrants from the south. However, the vast majority are Christians. Did you know that Americans eat more salsa than ketchup? Maybe we should require immigrants to eat more salsa? DACA recipients are required to pass a background check. Rush Limbaugh cannot pass a background check because of his drug bust. They are also required to speak English although America has no official language and some

300-plus languages are spoken here. Immigrants to this country, legal and otherwise, put in more than they take out. Once here they pay sales taxes to local government­s and gas, cigarette and alcohol taxes to the federal government as well as income taxes.

Asylum-seekers are not illegal or undocument­ed. They have a right to apply. Even if they cross illegally, they turn themselves in right away and are now being held in Mexico.

Most Illegal aliens are coming here on visas and overstayin­g their welcome.

Drugs are coming in right through the checkpoint­s or are going around in planes, tunnels and submarines.

No 911 terrorists came in through the southern border. Those guys train in the rugged mountains of Pakistan. They could come in through the mountains of Mexico where a wall cannot be built. Other means of security will be needed if you are really worried about terrorists.

Last but not least, Trump was handed a bill with $1.5 billion for a wall and he would not sign it, so blame him for what is going on.

I think all politician­s should listen to the real news coming from authoritie­s who live at the border and if they say we need more wall then build it.

Maybe we can all agree that the people closest to the border should have more of a say than people in Washington, D.C. (or anywhere else). Scott Ruff Hot Springs

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