The Sentinel-Record

‘Mary Bashers’


Dear editor:

On June 10 we had a fabulous letter by C.O. Stover. I am sure that he ruined a beautiful sunny Monday morning for Mr. Bamrick and the other regular “Mary Bashers.” Thank you! Thank you!

The Democrat Party, after recruiting “slaves” to do their dirty work in the 2016 election, the dishonest Dr. Ford’s attempt to stop Brett Kavanaugh, and now the “immigratio­n” hoax, with no regard for the cruel sex crimes, are in panic mode.

They are running around in a delirious three-year-long sideshow, complete with clowns (Nadler, Shumer, Pelosi and the two dozen 2020 hopefuls, etc., etc.) and a failed lion trainer (President Trump being the “lion”) like a bunch of “chickens” with their heads cut off. (And “mansion dwellers” telling us it’s a sin to be a “mansion dweller.”)

I’m ready for the finale to the circus, when the good Lord says “enough” and the mountain of dirty tricks comes tumbling down in a “liberal” heap and this great country the Lord gave us will start looking like “America the great again.” We do not need socialists running our country and especially don’t need those trying to shame Christians, while “they” creep in!

Thanks for pointing out Mr. Bamrick’s “wimpy” “asking” me to stop attacking B.H.C. and H.R.C. Ironic!

God bless our great, beautiful U.S.A. God bless our American lovin’ President Donald J. Trump.

P.S. I just saw a clip of the Dem hopefuls from Sunday. Speaking of a “circus,” folks, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Before it’s over they’ll be back to Donald’s hair and two scoops of ice cream.

(Thanks again – C.O. Stover.) Mary Robinson Hot Springs

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