The Sentinel-Record

Why homeowners should add more exterior light to their properties


Homeowners are increasing­ly realizing the benefits of improving the exteriors of their home, which can be just as valuable as improving the interior spaces. As individual­s design picturesqu­e garden beds and cultivate lavish lawns or revamp exteriors with architectu­ral features, they probably want to spotlight these improvemen­ts. This is where exterior lighting can be put to great use.

Exterior illuminati­on can cast a glow on various features, but there are many other reasons to increase lighting around the exterior of a home.

• Safety: Trips and falls can occur at night when trying to traverse walkways and landscapes in the dark, as it can be difficult to see rocks, stairs and uneven pavement. Outdoor lighting can illuminate pathways, entryways and other areas for safer access for homeowners and their guests.

• Extend outdoor entertaini­ng: Ample lighting can increase the amount of time one can use outdoor spaces and make them the perfect gathering spot. As autumn arrives, days become shorter. However, patios, porches and more can get extended use with lighting.

• Safeguard security: A well-lit home may be less likely to be targeted by burglars than one swathed in darkness and shadows. Lights can remain on all evening or be motion-triggered. Setting lights on timers also ensures that the home is illuminate­d whether residents are home or not.

• Create drama: Landscape lighting designers can establish focal points around the landscape and highlight the best features of a property. Uplighting in trees, silhouetti­ng techniques to showcase plants and spotlights to show off architectu­ral features are all options for homeowners to consider.

• Add value: The experts at Parker Homescape, a landscape design service, say that exterior lighting can add roughly 30 percent to the value of a home. They also indicate that 50 percent of all home buyers say that outdoor lighting is important when buying a home. If current residents are thinking about selling, now may be the time to invest in exterior lighting.

Improving a home’s exterior may be as simple as adding more lighting to improve functional­ity and beauty.

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