The Sentinel-Record

We all need to work together to help others Janie Smith


Fall has come. Only on the calendar so far, but that will soon change. And with that change will come the cold weather. For so many, we will barely notice except for the few minutes we are out in it. We will turn up the heat and stay busy. Many do not have that option.

I recall a couple, both of whom were enduring chemo at the same time last year. They had worked hard, saved their pennies, invested for retirement, only to be wiped out with soaring health costs that weren’t covered by their insurance. With both of them ill, it was overwhelmi­ng. They had wonderful attitudes of hope and endurance. They came to us in need of heating assistance. I had to reach out to a consortium of churches to partner with to meet their needs. Their children were unable to help; their small church had helped as much as they could. They were out of resources.

Thanks to donations we, and others, were able to get them back on their feet. Their heat was turned back on, they had space heaters to help conserve energy, blankets, food, compassion and prayers. It’s what you would have done for them, I know. The reason this works is the partnershi­ps we share. Most of that partnershi­p is with you. For this to work we all need to work together. It takes donations of money, time, food, household goods, etc. for us to have the ability to make a daily difference in people’s lives.

Remember Jackson House when you donate. Remember the hundreds and thousands of people that we help each year. They’re your neighbors, friends, family. It’s because you care that they are spared. Our community is a loving, forward-thinking, working together kind of community. We are there for you when you need a hand up. Call 501-6234048 or come by 705 Malvern Ave., Hot Springs. We are “On the Front Lines Helping People in Crisis Every Day.” We are “A Place To Care and Be Cared For.”

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