The Sentinel-Record

Déjà vu all over again


Dear editor:

Strange, isn’t it, that slavery (forced servitude) became unconstitu­tional in America in 1865 and yet, here we are in 2019 with the Left in America trying to lead all of us, regardless of our skin color, into indentured servitude to a socialist government in the 2020 election.

Stomp Out Socialism was formed as a nonpartisa­n organizati­on to overcome the massive lack of understand­ing by people of all ages on the Left and on the Right about what socialism really is. It’s truly difficult to imagine that anyone in this country would be taking a stand for socialism without knowing the facts about the dark side of what socialism brings with it.

Everyone knows our economic system has built the highest level of wealth and freedom on the planet. When we watch the Hong Kong riots on TV we see huge numbers of American flags waving in the wind. Their people tell us they are willing to give their lives for the freedom America enjoys.

The public is invited to a Stomp Out Socialism Town Hall meeting this coming Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Garland County Library auditorium. The purpose of the event is to compare socialism and capitalism beyond the freebies used to lure people into thinking socialism is a benign system that makes all people equal (equally poor or equally free?)

We want educated voters. It’s time to bring people together as friends to discuss the facts while we are still free and able to make the choice between the freedom we have and the misery of indentured servitude. If you have lived in a socialist country please feel to tell us about it.

Diane Silverman Hot Springs

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