The Sentinel-Record

Is there no shame?


Dear editor:

This is in response to the letter of Sept. 29 by C.G. Smith. Have you not listened to any of the Democrats who curse using very explicit and vulgar words — the F-bomb being one of them? Or how about the ones who incite others to chase the opposition out of restaurant­s or stores? Or Adam Schiff reading from an alleged transcript adding his own words into a call that took place, but what was read was not said on the call. Is there no shame? Obviously not. “He just paraphrase­d.” Well, when you paraphrase you don’t add to whatever. No shame at all for lying. Oh, I do agree that President Trump is quick to respond and can use help with his responses but please Lord let us also look at some of those that are worse. Talib and her F-bombing for starters. Oh, and she has a T-shirt now with her mouthy saying on it. Go buy that one and say it is all Trump’s fault. Just the good moral influence any decent mother wants for her daughter — not me. Oh, and heaven help us if you speak against the gang of four or women of color because then you are a racist. Not a racist but one who believes that type of behavior is wrong. Have we forgotten the Kavanaugh debacle? Christine Blasey Ford testifying and her witnesses have absolutely no recollecti­on of the events or them ever being together or the latest where the alleged victim has no recollecti­on of the event taking place. Have you seen the news where Biden has bragged about getting a prosecutor fired for investigat­ing his son? That prosecutor isn’t even in this country. How about that he did and bragged about it. How is this teaching anyone honesty and good values? Nope, teaching corruption, but somehow it is Trump’s fault.

Our children are learning to be vi

cious in attacking someone who does not agree with you and that it is OK to not tell the truth because there are no consequenc­es for doing so. Violence will happen once you devalue human life and the moral fabric and foundation of the family; forget civility. The Democrats have pushed for the devaluing of life and the devaluing of the family fabric so please don’t blame Trump. We have had mass shootings prior to Trump coming into office and why place all the blame on him. Put it on the person and the parent.

Your last statement of “surely there is someone who will return, decency, order, and goodwill to White House?” That person is Trump. He has to fight the Deep State in order to do his job of protecting this country, now that is sad. Go ahead vote for Warren, even the big money is saying that it won’t donate. Get Biden and let

corruption grow. Hillary — well, the list of dead will grow. Space limits me from continuing on, but you get the idea. Grow up.

Sharon Parrett Hot Springs

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