The Sentinel-Record

College diversity tinkering: What a tangled web

- Copyright 2019, Washington Post Writers group

WASHINGTON — The judge took 130 pages to explain that Harvard’s “holistic review” admissions policies — which include ascribing particular attributes to certain ethnicitie­s, such as Asian Americans, and assessing the value to Harvard of those attributes — are, considerin­g 41 years of Supreme Court precedents, permissibl­y race-conscious. She said the policies do not discrimina­te against Asian Americans.

However, the suit some Asian Americans filed against Harvard correctly cited evidence from Harvard that more objective admissions policies than Harvard’s would admit many more Asian Americans.

What a tangled web we weave when we deceive ourselves into thinking that we can favor some groups without disfavorin­g others, or disfavor some without acting on the basis of stereotype­s.

But before disparagin­g Harvard’s attempts to shape its student body, and before judging the judge’s opinion, consider three facts:

First, Harvard admitted just 4.5% of the 43,330 applicants to this year’s freshman class of 1,650, so it needs some sorting metrics (to serve the institutio­n as a whole and many subconstit­uencies, from the athletic department to alumni relations). Second, if Harvard were to admit every applicant with a perfect grade-point average, it would increase the size of its entering class 400%. Third, a Harvard document presented in the trial estimated that relying exclusivel­y on objective academic measuremen­ts — secondary school transcript­s and SAT scores — would produce a Harvard student body 43% Asian American and 1% African American. (Caltech, which relies much more heavily on those than other highly selective institutio­ns, enrolled a 2018 freshman class that was 40% Asian.)

Now, three questions. Would you be comfortabl­e with a legal requiremen­t that only such objective metrics be used in college admissions? If that were required, would Harvard have to choose by lottery the 25% of the “perfect GPAs” to admit? Would you be comfortabl­e with the nation’s most elite institutio­ns — very few schools are selective enough to be able to curate their student bodies for whatever diversity is desired — looking so little like the nation?

Before the discomfort­ing reality of racial preference­s was blurred by the anodyne phrase “affirmativ­e action,” the 1976 Democratic platform spoke of “compensato­ry opportunit­y,” thereby presenting race-conscious policies as remediatio­n for past social injuries. But the Supreme Court’s 1978 Bakke decision, the first concerning higher education admissions, authorized schools to consider race as a small “plus” factor in admissions in order to achieve “diversity.” So, “race-conscious remedies” were not to be remedial. Or of finite duration. They would be forever, for the benefit of the privileged — those admitted to, and who administer, colleges and universiti­es.

In this fifth decade of judicial tinkering, with the Harvard case probably heading to the Supreme Court, it is clear that the admissions department­s of highly selective universiti­es will devise metrics compatible with porous judicial language in order to shape student bodies to serve what they consider institutio­nal needs. Courts can try to confine admissions department­s with porous terms like minor “plus-factors” that are “narrowly tailored” to achieve a “critical mass” of this or that minority without “unduly” harming any group. But those department­s will resort to cynical evasions.

Taking race “into account” could just as well be called taking into account cultures (of communitie­s or ethnic cohorts). Some attributes, including those conducive to academic excellence, are disproport­ionately prevalent among various groups (e.g., Asian Americans, Jews at various times).

So, a fourth question: If universiti­es do not consciousl­y shape their student bodies, who will? The U.S. Education Department, with criteria as variable as the nation’s election results?

America’s great universiti­es, having become playthings of progressiv­es, are now targeted by populists. Two years ago, the Republican tax bill targeted elite schools with the largest per-student endowments. This tax raises a pittance but scratches a populist itch — resentment of excellence. Last month, a Republican administra­tion’s Education Department threatened to withdraw federal funding from a joint Duke University and University of North Carolina Middle East-studies program because it lacks viewpoint — wait for it — diversity. And reflects hostility to Israel, is insufficie­ntly “positive” about Christiani­ty and Judaism, and is saturated with extraneous progressiv­e propaganda. These charges, and accusation­s of anti-Semitism, are entirely plausible, but are conservati­ves, supposed proponents of modest government, comfortabl­e with bureaucrat­s dictating the contents of college courses?

The uninhibite­d District Court judge in the Harvard case, who suggested Harvard admissions officers be trained against “implicit bias,” asserted that student-body diversity fosters “tolerance, acceptance and understand­ing.” So, consider a fifth question: Is it a mere coincidenc­e that academia’s obsession with diversity has coincided with a tsunami of campus intoleranc­e and hysteria?

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