The Sentinel-Record

Time to work together


Dear editor:

To Moms Demand Action:

Who are you trying to kid? You are not a nonpartisa­n organizati­on. You are so far from it that it is an insult to think you expect me and others to believe that. Your very own mentor and benefactor Michael Bloomberg is now running for president on the Democrat ticket. Democrats are well known for their anti-gun, anti-rights, and use of groups such as yours for partisan purposes.

We have plenty of background checks going on. We need to enforce the laws we already have on the books. I hope you realize alcohol kills more each year than firearms. Why is it that the Democrats failed to pass the background check notificati­on amendment. See the article https://americanmi­litarynews.

com/2019/02/democrats-reject-gop-effort-toalert-ice-when-illegals-fail-gun-background. The only ones who will be safe are the criminals because they don’t obey the law. Democrats are not known for caring about law-abiding citizens, rather, they make a concerted effort to protect the criminals form consequenc­es of their actions. Why else would the Democrats reject authoritie­s when someone fails to pass a background check?

Why was it that your group cannot accept the fact that as a society we have devalued human life and unfortunat­ely you cannot legislate that? Rather than have a peaceful discussion I was met with red faces, nostrils flaring, heavy breathing, jaws clenched, and fist clenching. You are not the calm rational folks you want us to all to believe. Let’s sit down and discuss the problem and see where we have common ground. Nope, you folks just want to rant and rave and make more laws that don’t serve a purpose other than to disarm the law-abiding citizen. I still believe that if you folks been armed my and the only witnesses were your group my life would have been in danger. And that is based off of the body language of your group.

Red Flag laws. Do you not remember the recent case in Massachuse­tts where an

82-year-old crossing guard had his guns confiscate­d and was placed on suspension for a waitress reporting him as a threat? The report was false, but he still lost his guns. Why? Because someone overheard part of a conversati­on and filled in the rest herself and made a false report. No due process; his firearms, gone. I have yet to see some common-sense red flag laws that protect the public and protect due process. https://www.theamerica­


Anytime mental health issues come up your group gets in a huff and blows off that issue. Can you really come to the table and act like adults without bullying or threatenin­g posturing?

We need to work together, and making more laws that don’t address the root of the problem don’t serve any purpose. You say you don’t want to point fingers but that is all you do. And you have no interest in working together with those who don’t believe as you do. So let us come to the table acting like adults, please. Sharon Parrett Hot Springs

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