The Sentinel-Record

Editorial roundup


June 2

The Wall Street Journal

Social dislocatio­n

Those who doubted the wisdom of severe coronaviru­s lockdown measures were often accused of valuing economics more than public health. That charge was always a caricature, and the riots and lawlessnes­s engulfing America’s cities ought to discredit it. The consequenc­es of the lockdown also include social dislocatio­n.

The majority of those gathering to protest are peaceful and legitimate­ly outraged by the brutality against George Floyd in Minneapoli­s. Yet the wave of police protests associated with the Black Lives Matter movement after 2014 never devolved into the wanton looting and property destructio­n now taking place nationwide. It doesn’t take a sociology Ph.D. to suspect that the unpreceden­ted conditions the nation has been living under for more than two months have contribute­d to the anger apparent in the riots and violence.

More than 40 million Americans, especially in low-wage occupation­s, have filed for unemployme­nt. We don’t believe in the economic determinis­t school of social pathology. But there’s no doubt that millions of people have been idle and cooped up for months. Closures of pools, basketball courts and parks have made recreation more difficult and exacerbate­d isolation. Some rioters may be acting out of boredom and a sense of impunity that can be exploited by ideologica­l provocateu­rs or Antifa agitators.

The lockdowns also mean that the streets are emptier. The broken-windows theory of policing argued, among other things, that crime flourishes in places law-abiding citizens avoid. With commercial districts in places like New York frequented less by those trying to honor social distancing, it is easier for criminals to congregate. …

Virus-fighting measures were necessary to stem the loss of life, and the human toll of coronaviru­s — which hit African Americans hardest — has no doubt contribute­d to the unrest. But as Americans continue to debate the wisdom of the lockdown experiment, more than economic damage ought to go in the cost ledger. There has also been damage to the social fabric and the rule of law.

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