The Sentinel-Record

City priorities


Dear editor:

Reading last Sunday’s paper, it was refreshing to see Hot Springs city board of directors taking care of the real priorities of taxpayers.

First, on the front page, District 1 representa­tive Erin Holliday, who apparently is an artist, curator, or something of the like, spoke about a “hate crime” resolution she is bringing before the board. First of all, a resolution is worth the weight of the paper it’s printed on. Hate crime is law for the state legislatio­n to take up, and anything else is mere grandstand­ing to get one’s name in the paper.

Then, in the letters to the editor, Holliday and District 3 representa­tive Becca Clark signed their names to a group representi­ng some sort of LGBTQ community. I know what a BLT is — a good sandwich. I don’t know who or what these LGBTQ people are or how they got that way. Nonetheles­s, I wish them good luck, but I take issue with Holliday and Clark using their time and resources to address what are basically non-issues affecting less than 1% of the city population.

What I would like, and what taxpayers have failed to receive in recent years, is some action on things that do affect every taxpaying resident: terrible city street conditions, a growing crime rate, a flood abatement plan, and a fiscally responsibl­e financial plan for a city government that seems to want to issue bonds (debt incurred to taxpayers) for every pet project that comes down the road.

I urge everyone to vote in November. If you think this current group is improving Hot Springs, by all means, vote to keep them in office. From my vantage point, they’re not getting the job done.

Noah Little Hot Springs

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