The Sentinel-Record

Two lousy solutions

- Jack Sternberg, MD Hot Springs

Dear editor:

Let me start this letter by boldly saying that I do not have a satisfacto­ry solution for the coronaviru­s pandemic, nor am I advocating for any one solution. Why? Because I don’t believe there exists a solution that is universall­y acceptable and also effective. Unfortunat­ely, few are willing to openly admit this to be true.

The standard solution for the last five months that is not working to end this pandemic is what has been termed mitigation. This basically consists of wearing masks to protect others, social distancing, disallowin­g social events, sporting events, religious gatherings and the closing of businesses and essentiall­y shutting down the economy. This has led to massive unemployme­nt requiring the federal government to intervene by printing trillions of dollars so people won’t starve. This has caused a massive increase in the already huge federal deficit. People’s lives have been drasticall­y altered; physically and emotionall­y; 150,000 plus people have already died in the United States. The new cases and deaths keep increasing despite this solution. The worse part is that the end of this pandemic, with mitigation only slowing down the progressio­n, is nowhere in sight and may continue for months, even years and continues to drasticall­y affect the economy. The only hope being an effective vaccine or therapy and that is still in the distant future.

There’s also another solution that is probably effective, but to most, unacceptab­le. That is, stop all mitigation and let the virus run its natural course the way all previous viruses have been treated. Those viruses that have no therapy or vaccine. Yes, a huge number of people would get infected since this virus is so infectious. Some statistics say 99.8% of those infected will survive. Those at significan­t risk can continue to isolate to avoid exposure. With the majority of Americans having then been infected, herd immunity will occur and the pandemic would end relatively quickly. Unfortunat­ely, with this approach, hundreds of thousands more might die. To those who don’t, American life and the economy will almost immediatel­y return to near normal. But who is willing to openly advocate for such a solution? Anyone, especially a politician who advocates for this solution, will be vilified.

Country after country throughout the world has tried various solutions as proposed by their most brilliant scientists and doctors. The statistics available really don’t show that any approach has worked better with time to control the virus than any other solution. If that is so, then maybe it’s time to stop blaming anyone (except for maybe China) for not controllin­g this pandemic or doing enough. If anyone has a solution that is proven to work, please write back. Until then, I remain as frustrated and pessimisti­c for a solution as all of you.

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