The Sentinel-Record

Letter to the editor


Mail-in ballots Dear editor:

With so many individual­s frightened by the COVID-19 virus, many states have chosen to expand the use of voting by mail.

The state of Arkansas is listed by ABC News as one of the hardest places to use a mail-in-ballot because, unlike more liberal and moronic states, you must request a ballot. Seems reasonable to require a voter to request a ballot since we don’t bring the poll to those who do not vote; so why send everyone a ballot unless they intend to vote?

What are the problems with voting by mail? Here in Arkansas, the risk is borne by the voter since failure to provide all the documentat­ion can negate your vote.

However, sending everyone a ballot via a universal mailing has numerous problems. First, sending a ballot to those who have moved can result in the individual not voting for the correct candidates. Here in Garland County, almost 4% of voters move between each federal election, resulting in almost 3,000 of the 60,000 registered voters having a change in ballot style. This is certainly true elsewhere.

Second, once someone has been sent a ballot by mail, a system must be in place to prevent someone from voting in person in addition to by mail. In effect, this eliminates all in-person voting.

Many local counties fail to systematic­ally purge voters no longer active as required by federal election standards. Los Angeles has been sued by Judicial Watch for this very issue. Multiple counties in Pennsylvan­ia have been sued for the same problem.

Third, some voters will have died each year and even with the most consistent checking a number will exist on the voter rolls at election time. Having a family member return a ballot based on how they think grandma would vote is fraud.

Fourth, most states mailing 100% of voters a ballot have fiercely resisted requiring a photo ID at the polling site thus significan­tly increasing the probabilit­y of voter fraud.

Want a well-documented video? Try the following: how-to-steal-an-election-mail-in-ballots/.

Verifying that only registered and citizens are voting is critical to the quality of our elections. Mailing everyone a ballot is the breakfast of morons.

Dennis L. Bosch Hot Springs

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