The Sentinel-Record

Biden’s big mess


Dear editor:

Sunday, 9-5, “Inheriting a mess.”

Are you kidding? Is this for real? Is it April Fools day? Everything PINO Joe Biden has touched, since the “leaky toilet” on election night 2020, gave him the election (along with the other crooked con-job contrived ever since the shock in 2016 when all the attacks on Trump didn’t work) has been the biggest mess of all time! Stumbling, bumbling PINO Joe, hurrah! Go, man!

A Boy Scout would know you don’t remove the lion tamer before you release the lions! (Afghanista­n).

No matter how much the spoiled liberals cry “We didn’t do it!” Yes, you did! Defund the police! Shut down our pipeline and open

Russia’s — we like $4 gas! Want an infrastruc­ture bill where 10 cents on the dollar goes for roads, the rest for frills! Reinstate slavery, all colors and races qualify. Teach our kids nasty gender stuff! The generals they own are goofuses! Last, but not least, by any means, we support abortion, no matter what God says!

P.S.: The writer says “now the president (Biden) has to honor his (Trump’s) deal (says who?) and it’s his fault”? Trump’s deal was “big bombs” if the Taliban tried what Biden handed them on a silver platter. “Money man” Trump would have flown out our $84 billion in equipment the same way it was flown in.

God save America! First, America honor god!

P.P.S.: Forgot PINO Joe’s invitation for the world to enter at our southern border — T-shirts wearers thanking Joe!

Mary Robinson Hot Springs

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